{James is the man who filed khloe and Lamar's divorce papers.}

Khloe - No, look mom can I call u back

Kris - khloe, James called me and he lost your files of divorce papers.So technology you and Lamar are still married until you can find him and you guys file agin


Kris - honey I'm really sorry, I'll do my best to help you through this

Khloe-*sniffiling* th-tha-nks mom.Ill call you later.

"Khlo, what's wrong? "Kourtney asked me rubbing my back

"James lost me and Lamar's files.So, basically were still married

"Oh my khlo, I'm so sorry."Kim and kourt both say at the same time while pulling me in a sisterly hug.

Nash's POV :

I've talked with the #FAMSQUAD about my feelings for kayla.And they said I should just give it a shot.And kendall and kylie told me that kayla feels the same way.But it's hard for her to tell me.So while everyone else is in the ocean I ask kayla can she walk with me real quick.

"What's up nashty?"Kayla asked me while walking.

"Hey want a slushy?"I asked her since there is a slushy stand literally next to us.I bought our slushies and then we continued to walk.

"Thanks nash, but was that why you wanted to walk?"Kayla asked me sipping her slushy.

"No, the truth is, that I've been holding my feeling in for quite a very long time. And I can't hold them in any longer so what I'm trying to tell you is that, kayla I've had feelings for you ever since I've first seen you.And i know we've only knew each other for a week now.But we just spend so much time together it feels like eternity.So kayla will you be my girlfriend. "I asked her putting both of our slushies down and we're standing face to face holding hands.

"I will love to be your girlfriend nash."She said smiling. Then I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist.Then we let eachother go.

"Is this my slushy?"She asked me

"I have no clue."I said laughing so we just chosen either one.

"I love you kayla."Is said joining our hands together

"I love you more."She said sipping her slushy agin and putting her head in my shoulder as we were walking back to #FAMSQUAD.

"Babe, I don't think that's possible. "I told her laughing.

"That's the same thing my mom told me when I told her the same thing."Kayla said giggling.

"I bet, and isn't it stas birthday in 2 days?"I asked kayla

"Yea it is , and baby, I have your slushy. "She said laughing

"I know, cause I have yours I just didn't say nothing cause no lie, yours taste a little better."I told her as we both sat down on the sand and posted a insta pic with the caption.

@Nashgrier :She said YES! @KaykayDashian, love you baby gurl

After we told everyone, they were so excited for us.

Kayla's POV :

Nash dropped me off at home, and I went in my house, showered, got dressed,and watched twilight.

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