The body couldn't hold itself anymore, and collapsed on its chest, releasing Bloodhounds limp body and for the last time, hitting her against the cold floor.

All the goblins looked at the scene and screamed in horror while fleeing away.

After the commotion stopped, it got really quiet in the room.

I breathed out my breath that I didn't even know was kept in.

My gaze drifted to my two injured teammates with tears stinging my eyes.

My crying was interrupted by a heavy hand appearing on my shoulder,

My head swept quickly at the person, it was Lizardman who smiled with his toothy grin.

"Go help Goblin Slayer and ill help Bloodhound."


The girl slowly nodded and rushed to the man, quickly kneeling in front of his body and grasping his hand.

With quick mumble of holy words, she summoned healing for her injured friend.

A light emanated from his chest, that slowly dispersed after it was finished.

After a moment, the Slayer clutched the girl's hand in response and breathed heavily, in the process coughing up some blood. He quickly pushed himself up but stumbled to the floor.

"Goblin Slyer-san!"

Priestess yelped in panic and tried to help the man to get up.

Archer came from the other side and helped the wounded man.

"Orcblock...we defeated them... but Bloodhound..."

Goblins SLayer helmet quickly moved to archer's solemn face, then to the front, where he saw 

Lizardman casting heals for Y/N.

The silver ranked adventurers breath stuck in his throat that even made him cough out more blood. 

The two females panicked, but the man's head moved up with a nod and weak steps, they moved to Bloodhound's body.

It was awful to see her body battered like this, bones sticking out and blood slowly oozing out from the clothes that were soaked in red, making dripping sounds when hit the cold floor of the old catacombs.

Slayer crumbled to his knees, bringing the two females with him, he quickly took her hand in his, looking for some of her radiant heat that always made him feel giddy inside, but it just wasn't there.

He looked at her face, pale-colored wit crimson, colors dancing so bright that made him nauseous. Her chest not moving at all making the hero panic.

He tightened his grip and looked at the Lizardman, who was ripping off his shirt.

"Mylord Goblin Slayer, she is alive, but in a dire need of professional healers, as do you, so I will make small stretchers to not move Mylady Bloodhound. I'm certain that she has many internal 

injuries and only moving her irrationally could make her condition worse."

Goblin Slayer nodded slowly and let go of Y/N's hand, placing it gently on the ground. Bloodhound was put on self-made stretchers and the whole party moved quickly, not losing any precious time, to the exit from these sewers, all battered, but alive.



 I know that I was gone for... a long time, but here I am, trying to continue the series because let's get real, I will post like a turtle, but I WILL NOT REST UNTIL THEY HAVE KISSED!

So here's something I wanted to share... I tried to make something in this program "VRoidStudio"...

 I tried to make something in this program "VRoidStudio"

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I know

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I know ...( - _ - )... I goofed up... The colors are not canon... 

That's how I like to see Y/N, but again, let your fantasy fly~


AAAAaaaaaand I would like you to go and support these lovely people, who helped me to move my lazy butt and try to post...

Because I was really scared about your reactions of my return...

@Four293 and their work "Between a Rose and its Thorns"

Its a retelling of Beaty and the Beast, but I can't live without them ;)

@JillianJuneBug and their work "Rewriting History"

@MaskedDragon533  and their work "Broken Glass"

@Otaku-fan-101 and their work "Jungle

Go check them out and the last but not least... 

An outdated meme

An outdated meme

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Bloodhound (Goblin slayer x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now