Chapter 15: Sports Festival Begins

Start from the beginning

"Crash into the wall..." Shadow finished with a sweatdrop.

(Y/n) chuckled stretching her hands out and Lateefah fell into her arms with her eyes swirling.

"I see you're excited as well," she chuckled.

Lateefah chirped sounding like a chuckle as she folded her wings.

She chuckled and cuddled her cheek into hers, "You're such a goof."

"Hey, where's my cheek cuddles!" Shadow whined teasingly and snuggled into her other cheek.

*Knock knock knock*

"Hm? Who's coming over at this early? It's 6 in the morning." Shadow asked.

She walked over to the front door and stood on her toes to look through the peep-hole to see who it was.

"(Y/n) you home?" Ayame called from the other side of the door. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail with her bangs left out; looking almost like a cleaner female version of her older brother. She wore a dark green, long-sleeved, turtle neck dress that reached above her knee, with a black belt around her waist, some warm black pantyhose, and some black ankle-high boots. She also noticed a silver sunflower necklace around her neck with a capital A in the center of it.

She opened the door with a smile, "Ah, Morning Ayame," she greeted.

"Morning," Shadow greeted as he sat on his user's head.

Lateefah chirped/meowed a greeting.

Ayame smiled, "Morning," she noticed her disheveled bed hair and let out a light chuckle, "I see I walked in on you getting ready."

She lightly laughed brushing a hand through her disheveled hair to tame some standing hairs and got caught once they got to a tangled part, "Yeah, I just woke up so I can have breakfast and catch the train on time for the Festival."

"Good thing I caught you then," she said.

"Come in. Come in," she said stepping aside to let her enter, "I was just about to make breakfast."

She stepped inside, "Actually, I was hoping if we could go to this cute cat cafe for breakfast? I'll give you a ride to U.A. for the festival since I'm going over to watch after all."

"You don't have to," she said waving her hand.

"Nonsense. Consider it as a type of reward for doing such a great job at work and a celebration for the festival," she scratched Lateefah's head, getting a happy chirp/purr from the creature, "And Lateefah can play with the other cats."

"A cat cafe, huh..." she mumbled and her eyes lit up almost like a child, "I've always wanted to go into one!"

Shadow chuckled seeing her expression, "In Paris, there wasn't a cat cafe so she's always dreamed of going into one."

Ayame smiled, "Well then, how about you finish getting ready and I'll take you all over to eat," she scratched Lateefah's head, "Including you, Lateefah."

Lateefah let out a happy chirp/meow as her wings flapped in excitement.

(Y/n) sprinted into her room, while throwing Lateefah into the air, and immediately started to change.

Ayame stood there surprised with Shadow hovering next to her and Lateefah fluttered onto the couch and tilted her head with a confused chirp/meow as to her friend running so urgently.

(Y/n) sat in her seat in the cafe with her eyes lit up with stars, "So. Many. Cats!" she lowly squealed seeing all the cats around.

Ayame laughed, "You really like cats, don't you?"

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