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Shane filled Karly's apartment with red roses to make her aware he is still thinking of her. As the months passed, he'd been sending letters. Carlos hands Shane a letter. It's a long letter, and it contains the ultrasound image with the gender revelation. It drops on his lap when he opens the envelope. It fills his eyes with joy to see, it's a boy. He stays away from her for now. Hopefully, it's not too late and he hasn't been spotted. He is staying with Carlos, his mother, and two teenage brothers. They were welcoming and understanding of his situation. It's been three months. Karly should be six months pregnant. Shane has been fine. He can make it. He has a few more months and he can keep that promise.

"Shane, c'mon, the food's ready, man," Carlos says. His home is vibrant and small, but homey. Everyone is sitting on an oak table gathered together sharing a Spanish meal. Chicken, rice and beans. Shane sits next to Carlos' mother, Dolores, a Dominican woman, an artist in the kitchen. Shane is getting used to eating with Carlos' family. He has expanded his pallet to include salami, mangu, yuca, and fried cheese. That's just the morning meals.

"Muy bueno, Mrs. Reyes," Shane eats slowly, not wanting the fatty food to punish his digestive system. But knowing damn well he will work that shit out.

"Tato bueno, Shane, te gusta?" Dolores says,

He gestures a thumb up. Carlos' brothers are sitting, snickering and babbling something in Spanish. Sharing jokes between them. They are young and wild teenagers, as well as good hearted. Shane recognizes they are making fun of his terrible Spanish accent and laughs. He understands, Gringo, in the conversation and knows they are referring to him. He can pick up a thing or two.

"YO, but at least he speaks Spanish. More than I can say about you two, can't even speak good Spanish or proper English. Eat your food coño, little punks. Pendejos," Carlos scolds, waving them off.

Shane peers at the boys and creeppily grins. He leans toward Carlos. "They were laughing at me, weren't they?"

"Those punks. I should grab my bat... and beat the shit out of them! I gotchu, Shane, don't worry." They clasp hands in a handshake. "So, what's up with our gringa? You excited to see your boy?"

Shane smile. "Yes. Her stomach is getting bigger. She looks good and at peace. Glowing as a mother should. She's six months today."

"A life is precious, your baby is going to be very blessed. You are a good man, Shane. My boy told me everything you have done for him. How you treat him. God takes care of good people. Your situation will change with hope and faith. I'll pray for you and your family," Dolores says as she pats Shane's hand.

Carlos gets up, "Okay Mami, ya. Let's go, Shane. We gotta go to work. Here, put on this hat, it's going to be hot outside today. The weather is important for us landscapers, that's how we know if our days are going to be fruitful or not. Adios Mami, bendicion." He kisses Dolores on the cheek.

"Adios mi hijo, Dios te bendiga," She says. Shane witnesses what a family should be like. This warmth between mother and child as they kiss each other goodbye, not exactly what his family's dynamic is like at all. The boys, bulldozer their way through them and Carlos runs after them, but he's way too old to catch up and compete with those two teenage boys, who are towering over Carlos. Anyone can tower Carlos, he is a chubby, short man.

One of the boys shouts back. " You slow old man! See ya, Shane."

"Bye, boys!" Shane shouts back as the boys tackle each other down the street with their book bags in hand. Shane jumps in the truck, watching this short, fat man race his two younger brothers down the street. He laughs when Carlos stops mid-way, doubling over to catch his breath.

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