Meet the parents

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Shane and Karly enter the restaurant with its soft lighting, quiet music, and soothing surroundings.

"Good evening, Mr. Green, this way, sir, your party is already here." the host escorts them. Shane rests his palms on Karly's back fold, advancing her. Many diners greet the Green family; their reputations perceive them. They move between tables toward their large family. Everyone but them is seated.

Karly's sight lands on the waiter pouring wine in glasses, the soft clanks as people use their silverware. She beams like the galaxy, lucid by the elegant people eating, tearing, and scrapping cutting-through their fillet-mignon and into their mouth. Desert trays pass her by, which filters a sweet aroma in the air. Karly licks her lips, gulping saliva at the thought of food in her mouth. She halts, in the middle of the floor, holding her stomach.

"Shane, I-I can't do this. I'm starving. How am I going to go through with this night like this? You don't understand. I become someone else when I'm hungry. I can't do this! What if your family is as bad as you guys say. I'm weak. I think I'm tough, but I'm really not. I don't belong here. Oh, god, what was I thinking?"

Shane turns to her, holding her shoulders still. "Fairydust, listen to me. Trust me. You CAN do this! Whatever you hear tonight, whatever hurts, whatever comes your way, I want you to discipline yourself. Bruce Lee once said, learn to discipline your emotions because if you don't, Fairydust, your enemies will use them against you. I need you tonight. I need you okay? Here, hold my hand."

Karly can't back out now. He's much invested in this plan. Mr. Green's belly laugh catches their attention; he spots them and gestures them over. Karly will bring forth a reaction, Shane is sure of it.

"Father, good to see you again. How was your trip?" Shane greets him and notices Viviane and her daughters. Shane did not expect them in the least. Of course, his father does unexpected things.

"Trip was fine, son. This young lady must be my future daughter-in-law." Mr. Green gets up to greet Karly.

"Uh-mm, nice to meet you, Mr. Green," Karly says, in attempts to shake his hand, he hugs her.

Shane moves aside to greet his mother, kissing her forehead. "Mother, I hope we didn't keep you waiting, how's your evening?"

"I've had better days as you can see. You are looking handsome as usual," Marge admits. His presence animates her. With much patience, Marge endures Mr. Green and Viviane, thinking, if they both choke tonight, it would be a dream come true. "This must be Carla." she inches for a warm hug.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Green, Shane has told me a lot about you," Karly replies. It was a brief summary on the drive over, how Mr. Green cheated on Marge with his current wife, and how Marge Green still cries herself to sleep.

Marge smiles, examining Karly's beauty. "Good things, I hope. I like your shape, it's refreshing, darling. What do you ladies call it nowadays, full-figured?"

Karly raises her eyebrows, and her mouth falls open, in surprise and confusion. The words coming out of Marge are unexpected. Shane warned that his family is a bit much. He is not wrong in that. She bites her lips together.

"Mother, behave," Shane says.

"I'm considered curvy. I'm no size zero. Ha-ha!" Karly's hands shake, and she is not sure if it's from hunger or nervousness. She presses her palms together, to be still.

Marge propels Shane forward, away from Karly, "Excuse us a minute, darling." She whispers, "Where did you find this one? She's not sophisticated nor classy. She's a mess, and it's noticeably a low-class masquerade. What were you thinking? She's a beauty in a dress but walks and talk abominably. She'll need polishing-Your father is going to have a heart attack. I don't fault you if he does. I guess I can get used to your father's new look of disgust. Oh, and Viviane is wrinkling her face. I love it. But you risk upsetting him and losing his fortune."

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