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Shane is in his loft, preparing for Karly's arrivał. He's been trying to reach her all night. Shane had movers bring in boxes of clutter, and it has been nesting, waiting for her to unpack. Shane grimaces at the disarray of boxes. How can a low-class afford piles of clutter? Shane is ready to assemble a dump truck. Holding a glass of whiskey, he stares at the liquid circulating, bringing memories that once hunted him as a teen.

The force of the gun fired a single bullet and recoiled. The vigorous blow felt as if it penetrated his heart, paralyzing him. Worst of all, at the very end of the weapon, was him. Not once but twice that night. How could he forget his father's powerful voice?

"Son, this stays between us, do you hear me? You wouldn't want your father to go to jail. Who will provide for you and your brother? It would break your mother's heart." he said while men cleaned the bloody scene behind them. Tears trickled down young Shane's face. "I want you to understand. I'm the only one protecting you right now. These men behind us want to kill you. I want to make sure you understand. I want to protect you so I will ask you one last time, did you see anything?" Mr. Green asked hopeful, Shane understood the gravity of their situation.

Young Shane stood silent, his face turning to the bloody man being swept away. Mr. Green gripped Shane's face, shifting him back to his penetrating hateful eyes.

"ANSWER ME!" Mr. Green roared.

Shane's chest compressed and decompressed like a fish out of water. "No, I-I didn't see anything." he murmured. Only he saw the man's soul leaves his body. How could he forget? On the other side of his father's weapon stood a man he recognized. The man who would smile at him after dropping off his daughter in middle school. A man he saw every day smiling and laughing with faculties and other parents. A man, whose daughter was unapproachable for what he remembers kids saying.

"His kid goes to my school dad. It's going to be hard getting this image out of my head while seeing his daughter at school. Why did you KILL HIM?! " Shane howled back, and the men ceased to watch them.

Mr. Green struck him, then drew out a fancy golden pistol. "I dare you to repeat it!" The cold metal kissed young Shane's forehead. At that very moment, he managed to discipline his first emotion, fear.

His cell rings, bringing him back to the present.

"What do you have for me?"

"Can we meet tonight? I found what you wanted, and sir, this is in fact quite interesting." A hoarse voice says.

"Meet me at the loft. Now that I think of it. I should start packing, in two weeks I'm moving back into the mansion. It will be hard for us to meet when I do. A safe location is to be established." Shane hangs up. Could it be? He didn't want to go to Paris for this reliable information, yet, now here it was. Karly can't be here when his source arrives. He will stall her.

"Ulises, connect me to Fairydust."

"Connecting sir." The entertainment device does as Shane commands and dials. The ring tone continues until her voice is on the other line.

"How can I help you, Shane?"

"Where are you?"

Karly stands in front of Teressa's apartment building. "I'm visiting friends. Do I seriously need to tell you everywhere I go? I have to see my friends once in a while, you know. I have to tell them where I'm staying and what I'm doing. I have a life."

"Remember our confidentiality agreement. No one must know this is fake. Pretend it's real. Make it real in your head so you can believe it. That's how you lie. Understood?"

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