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I've decided not to get out of bed today. If I'm frank, I'm not up to it. It's Sunday morning, I don't work today and yesterday was rather particular. Several times, I've asked Micheal what he meant with stay away from Shane. Not that I need much pursuing, but I'm curious. He brushed it off and said it's for my own good, and after dropping me off, he drove away, with no indication or explanation. Whatever! I shouldn't think about it.

Those sorts of worries provoke my anxiety. Shit! Without notice, I'm biting my nails again. There's not much but skin now. Shane brings these unwanting feelings, only the thought of him. How can a mere asshole convey such rage and emotion? My world is upside down when he's around. Like the cold air is being sucked out of me. Another cause of my anxiety is not seeing Noah yesterday. His mother came to the door, took one look at me, and invited me in for some tea. I'm sure she pitied me. I must have looked like a lost girl in her eyes. I recall her facial expression when she saw me, there, desperate. I sat down and waited until she prepared the tea. She's Brittish and loves tea with milk. I started questioning how her daughter was feeling.

"Nancy is fine, dear," she said.

I sat admiring the number of antique collectibles hanging around the cozy room. The walls had an old picture of the family. A black and white portrait of her entire family line, I suppose. I pick up a magazine, and she tells me it's Nancy. Nancy is glamorous, her illuminated face plastered on the front cover of the magazine. Big green eyes, light freckles. A genuine smile. I haven't seen her in person, but I thought I might like her base on this picture. I put the magazine down when I saw Matilda coming over with the tea set. She sat, and I heard the liquid pouring into my delicate flowery teacup. My attention remained there. It was calming.

"Thanks," I said.


"Two please."

She spooned two perfect sugar squares. Which, I've only seen on television.

I don't know much about Noah's family except they migrated from England years ago. Nancy is a model. Noah, a resident who wants to be a doctor, but is super into video games.

"This is the first time in a long time you've come around. Noah should bring you here more often. I would like to see you more."

I smiled.

"As you may already know, he is staying with Nancy."

"Oh, yes. She will need medical attention around the clock."

"I beg your pardon?" she looked at me with a strange expression.

The telephone rang and interrupted our conversation. "Excuse me, dear," Matilda got up to pick up a phone attached to the wall, with dials and strings hung on it, so old school. When she hung up, she said she needed to go somewhere. We parted ways, and I spent the night, alone eating puff chips and watching The Notebook.

After running that scene through my head this morning, I reach for my phone, the time is 9 a.m., and I see Noah's text.

Noah: I miss you! Mom told me you stopped by. I'll see you soon. By the way, my sister is feeling better. You know what that means, we are going to finish, you know, where we left off.🌹

Me: I missed you. You know I hate being alone. At least give me your sister's home address, I'll help you take care of her. I'm a nurse, remember?😘😥

Noah: This is something I need to do. You have a lot on your plate with work, and you should be enjoying yourself, not taking care of my sister or me. When I come home, I will take care of you. So, hold on. I will pamper you.

Me: Don't forget chocolate and chips. Also, I don't want to scare you, but I have something to tell you.

Noah: Tell me in person. I love you.

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