Who is driving whom crazy?

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Shane is gone, and I can't say I don't miss him, because I do. Marge, the wedding planner and I orchestrated the entire wedding preparations for tomorrow. I'm getting married to a wealthy family. I can't help but be excited, even when it's fake.

The kiss we shared is enough to fuel my days. I shared many kisses with Noah, but not once have I felt like this, not like this. I have butterflies in my stomach, and I want to fly, I can't stop blushing. That one kiss has been on my mind for the past four days Shane has been gone.

I feel myself burning as the thought runs through my mind. I whispered into Shane's ear, I wanted him inside me, and Shane picked me up in the middle of the dance floor. My legs wrapped around his waist. It was just as if the world didn't matter. I won't be able to face him, so I pretended not to remember. He flies in today.

I move to the vanity, I have to look pretty, but why, for Shane Green? Nah, it's Shane we are talking about here.

"Darling, where have you gone off to?" Marge enters my room as I'm getting ready for Shane's return.

"I'm here. I needed a break from everything. Planning a wedding is exhausting."

"And to think when Shane is ready to give his heart, I will do this again with someone he will be in love with," Marge says.

My face must have been a clue that she has gone too far because she says, "Don't torture yourself, as long as Shane is with you, I will be at your side, dear, do you understand?" her warm hands touch my shoulder in the most gentle and purest of form. This feeling is what a mother's touch feels like. I close my eyes, taking advantage of the opportunity to emerge in the emotion, and when I opened my eyes, she was gone.

I've suffered the absence of my parents, and I can't remember anything but an argument between mom and dad when I was thirteen, I remember the drive. I remember the trip; snow has never been the same. Dad was angry with Mom. I remember waiting in the car for Dad to come back from a bar that my uncle Joe owned, but instead, another man was driving Mom and me, and she asked me to stay still and quiet.

The man and Mom argued, and the car lost control, and we crashed. I woke up from a coma with Doctor Kim by my side telling me my parents died in a car accident. That day was the worst day of my entire life. My life, as I knew it was going to change forever. I don't have many memories. I knew we were made of money, but the money disappeared after my parents died, and thanks to Doctor Kim, I had the essentials to live a good life.

A knock brings me back. "Come in," I say.

Michael comes in, "It's almost time for Shane to come home, do you miss him?"

"Surprisingly, yes. I can't wait for him to be home." I say. I'm still sitting on the vanity looking at myself in the mirror. I see Michael from the mirror's reflection, sitting on my bed.

"Karly," he comes closer and takes my hand.

"Michael, I'm flattered, but I'm going to be your brother's wife soon, please get out," I say.

Michael smiles. "This is not what you think it is. Karly, I want us to be friends. I want to confide in one person in this house." He gets up. What the heck does he want with me? He can buy friends with all his billions.

"Why are you coming to me for, Michael? I'm not like in your circle," I say.

"Karly, can I trust you to keep a secret?"

"Of course, Michael, my mouth is sealed. How can I betray the only person who genuinely is looking after my best interests?" I assure him, turning to him. It seems like he needs my attention; his facial expressions tell me so.

"I'm gay."

My eyes roll from side to side. "This is a joke, right?"

"No, it feels so good to come out, finally."

"You do know I'm no one to come out to, right? I thought you were hitting on me, but it turns out, I just humiliated myself."

Michael laughs. "No, sorry if I gave you that vibe. I like you, and I want us to be friends."

"Honey, I think we are going to be more than just friends, you are going to be my brother- in- law. But I would love to have a friend in this big ass mansion." We smile.

"Can I please help you pick something to wear." He asks going into my closet. "I want to be a clothes designer, that's what I desire, but you know Shane and Dad will have a fit."

Michael collects distinctive wear for me. I undress in front of him, the guy is gay, so who the hell cares. We giggle and drink wine all night trying on clothes, and scarfs. He did my hair, and I move to put on the dress we both agreed on for the night. I was getting undressed when I hear Shane storm in. Disbelieve in his eyes when he sees Michael helping me out of my dress.

" What the fuck is going on here?" Shane drags Michael by his collar, " What are you doing undressing my BRIDE!" A punch to Michael's pretty face, make me jump.

I scream. "Shane! STOP IT!"

"What the hell are you doing in my wife's closet, while she's naked? Huh?" Shane drags Michael through the entire room.

"Shane is not what you are thinking. Michael is g..." Michael shakes his head and gives me that look, so I won't tell him. "Michael is helping me. I got caught in my zipper."

Shane doesn't stop beating Michael. I jump on his back. "Shane please stop."

I hold Shane, hanging on his back like a lump. Shane kicks Michael.

"Let me explain, damn it! I was helping her with her dress." Michael defends and Shane stops beating him. The staff comes into the room, and of course, I look like a two-timer in front of everyone. My dress is hanging on my shoulders. Michael rushes out of the room.

"I would like it if you don't flirt with my brother." Shane adjusts himself.

"I promise, what he said is what was happening here," I say. He comes close to me. I missed that scent, his scent of summer testosterone.

"Glass of wine, a naked bride, and my brother, but it's not what I think? Did you even miss me?"

"Of course."

We both stare at each other, realizing what we said. I came closer to him. "Shane, I missed you." My eyes don't stop gazing at him.

"I missed you like crazy," he says, pulling me closer. If he kisses me, I'm going to melt like butter.

He combs my hair. "What are you doing to me, Fairydust? You are going to drive me crazy."

"What does this mean, Shane?" My heart beats rapidly. My breath is uneven. I can't help but to feel and let myself explore Shane. He strips my dress. The dress falls to the floor, and I'm not wearing a bra. I'm bare in front of Shane, exposing my breasts to him, my nipples are aching for his mouth, and my folds are wet for his touch. He stands there admiring me, examining me. Asking himself if he should, if we should, he storms into the closet and wraps a robe on me then kiss my cheeks.

"I did miss you, friend." he smiles and leaves the room. Who is driving whom crazy?

My phone rings and I pick up. "Hello?"

"Karly, I forgive you. I want us to start over," Noah says.

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