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Shane Green is in the office conducting meetings and attending court duties. Numerous phone calls from Boris, who is running the offices in Paris, pop on his phone. As he walks out of the courthouse, an uneasy feeling swoops in. An unexplainable feeling whoosh in, something is not quite as it should, but he can't quite pinpoint what it is. Michael is still inside talking to the client, but Shane has to excuse himself. He's loss of time, what happened yesterday? This week? Everything has been a blur.

Michael finds Shane pacing near the elevator. "All is good, brother." He reassures Shane. "How's Marie?"

"She's getting discharged today. I have to drive her home, but I can't shake the feeling that something is going on. My gut is telling me something is off, Michael."

Michael has never seen his brother in such a worried state. "Did you check on Karly? Like, send her a text or something?"

"She doesn't answer the phone, she's still mad at me. Things are going back to normal with her hating me and her hate reciprocated by me of course. Look, it's nothing. I'm most likely terrified of Marie's everyone wants and needs. I'm lost in time, I can't account for days in my time."

As they walk to the limo, Michael asks, "Hey, that's normal. Sometimes I waste so much time, I don't remember what I did the day before. It could be stress. Do you have feelings for Marie? I mean like romantic feelings?"

"I can't lie to you Michael, you know the answer to that."

"Then why torture yourself?" They enter the limo.

Shane pauses to think and says, "I don't want to lose her. I want her to be happy. With what Dad did to her and her family, I owe her that much."

"Even if it gets in the way of your true happiness? Do you remember what you had me promise that night at the club? You wanted me to keep a close eye on Karly, which means you care deeply about her."

"Marie is my priority right now. Yes, even if it gets in the way of my happiness."

"What about Karly? Are you going to tell me she means nothing to you?"

Shane's eyebrow furrows. "Karly and I have a contract, we should keep it professional. She is not a woman for me and I don't see my future with her. She's not my type. She obnoxious, a slob, a shopaholic, mental, childish, and need I remind you, from a different class. We still hate each other. We tried the friend thing, it didn't work. Karly has got her world upside down, she's simply unlucky and there is nothing we can do to change that."

"Bullshit, what happened in Bali, bro? Tell me."

Shane chuckles. "You and Karly are getting quite close. She told you didn't she? She could never keep her damn mouth shut!"

"Well, yes, I know about your steamy night of passion. You had sex with Karly. She's not the type to bang and go."

Shane blows out his cheeks. "I know. I know. It was a huge mistake. I've never had a woman so passionate in bed and she trembled under my hold, which left me infatuated by her. But at the end of the day, she is still Karly. It would never work."

Michael smiles. "You are both crazy. In love with each other and with other people."

"What do you mean? Is Karly seeing someone? Is that why she's not answering the phone?"

They make it to the law firm and the limo comes to a stop. "The thing is, well, Karly told me she was going to find someone new. She started dating."

"We both agreed, if one of us is going to date, we will tell the other. I told her about Marie, she should have the same courtesy." Shane's voice escalates. "Driver, I've changed my mind. To the mansion, please! Karly can't date without consulting me. She can't go off with just anybody, she is a Green and wealthy. She can't be reckless and pick some random dude off a dating app, not with her portfolio. Karly is not ready to date anyone, she needs to mature first."

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