"W-Why only once? Why not have a five hit limit?" Someone in the crowd asked.

"In battle, one hit can be the difference between victory and death. You only have one chance, so make the most of it. *Cough* Any- *Cough* Any questions?"

No one else uttered a word, the room silent.

"Good. Your Third exam *Cough* will be held in the forest surrounding the training grounds of the *Cough* of the village. Ninjutsu is not allowed, *Cough* however Kekkai Genkkai are an *Cough* are an exception. The exam will *Cough* will end when eight people are left standing."

Yuma felt relief.

'Doesn't sound that hard. I'll meld into the shadows and try to wait out the clock. It'll use up chakra, but its better to be tired then to fail.' Yuma thought.

"And for those of you who thought you could wait out the clock by hiding, you will not be allowed to *Cough* allowed to wait out the clock and hide. You will be required to take out at least three people to be a part of the final eight. If you choose to hide and remain hidden for at least *Cough* five minutes, you will be disqualified and forcibly summoned back here."

'Damn it.' Yuma thought, sighing in discontent.

All the Genin excluding Yuma looked relieved, thinking this test to be far less extreme then the hell they had just endured. Some cheered, but some remained skeptical, not believing the test to be as easy as it sounded.

They were right.

"One more *Cough* thing..."

Everyone went quiet, their celebration cut off by the mans interjection.

"In this test...Working in teams is forbidden."

Everyone froze.

Yuma's breath became caught in his throat.

"E-Excuse me, but uh...Does that mean...That even our teammates...We can't work with them or-!?" A random ninja from cloud tried to speak up, but was cut off by the Hokage from up above.

"That is correct." Minato stated.

Yuma stared up at the man in pure shock and terror as the reality of his words fell on top the shoulders of all the Genin attending.

"In this exam, even your teammates are enemies."

Yuma's whole body froze as he realized what this meant.

'...This isn't fair...He knows that too...That the two most likely to pass this...are Sasuke and Naruko.'

Yuma clenched his fists, red hot anger filling him up.

'He did this on purpose! He set this up so that his two golden elites will pass!'

Minato looked down at the crowd of shocked Genin with a sad look, specifically aimed at Yuma.

'I'm sorry Yuma, but Naruko and Sasuke must pass these exams. Forgive me.'

Yuma glared up at the mans pitying gaze.

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