Chapter Ninteen: A lie

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Evelyn's POV

"It's not going to be that bad Aaron I promise," I told him as he pulled into the driveway of my parent's house and looked at me. "As I said before they will like you I promise especially when they see how happy I am with you," I told him as he took in a deep breath and nodded his head. 

"I'm just worried okay...meeting parent's has always been my...week point," he said as I giggled and shook my head.

"They're just people okay...just be yourself and I promise they will love you," I told him as he sighed and nodded his head before kissing me softly on the lips. 

"Okay...let's get this over and done with," he said before turning to get out of the car before looking back at me. "See...I say shit like that," he said as I giggled and shook my head before getting out of the car. He opened the trunk and pulled our bags out as I grabbed one bag and closed the trunk for Aaron before we walked to the front door, "just know I'm worried and will probably not say much at all."

"You'll be fine Aaron just breath," I told him as he sighed and walked with me inside the house as I shut the door behind us. "MOM...DAD," I yelled as I set the bag down as Aaron did the same with our luggage before I removed my coat. 

"There you are...I thought you were going to be here sooner," my mom said as she hugged me tightly and then looked over at Aaron as I hugged my dad. "So...what took so long," she asked as I sighed.

"Traffic," I told her as she nodded. "So this is my mom and dad and mom, dad this is my boyfriend Aaron," I said as they nodded their heads and shook his hand as I arched my eyebrows wondering why they weren't saying anything. "Is everything alright," I asked as my parent's looked at me. 

"Yeah...yeah of course everything is fine we are just surprised that you brought a boy home I mean...just last year I was complaining that you didn't have a boyfriend," she said as I smiled.

"Well actually mom last year I did have a boyfriend...Aaron and I started dating in November," I told her as she nodded her head.

"So you lied to me," she said as I shrugged.

"I didn't want to get your hopes up," I said as Aaron looked at me.

"Hey!" he said as I giggled. "I was a good guy...I am a good guy how could you not be sure about me," he said as I looked at him. "I'm going to shut up," he added in as I giggled and shook my head.

"Relax Aaron...I just meant that even though I was sure about you I still had dated a lot of losers so I wanted to make absolutely sure that I could trust you before I told my mom that we were dating," I explained to him as he nodded his head.

"Well okay then...that makes sense," he said as I smiled and kissed him softly on the lips. 

"Eh hem," my father interrupted us as I laughed slightly and looked at him. 

"Sorry Daddy," I said grabbing the bag again. "Ill just take this upstairs and show Aaron around the house," I said as they nodded their heads. 

"We'll be in the kitchen making dinner and Lilly and Nick will be here tomorrow," my mom said as I nodded my head and started up the stairs. 

"Alright," I said as Aaron followed me up the stairs and to my room as I set my bag down and Aaron set the luggage down. 

"'s," he said as I giggled and nodded my head.

"Yeah my parent's decided to leave it the way I had it and I just never changed it around except to take out the desk and bring in a new dresser and a nice big bed," I said as he nodded his head. 

"Well...I like it here it's very nice...although the amount of pink in this room is scary," he said as I giggled and nodded my head.

"Even my bath towels are pink," I said as he shook his head. "I loved the color pink when I was growing up it was all I would wear...either pink or purple," I told him as he shook his head. 

"Well I guess I could get use to it just for the week...but only for a week," he said as I giggled and kissed him softly on the lips before he laid me down on my bed making me smile as I continued to move my lips with his. "Your parent's...are just...down stairs," he said to me in between kisses as I giggled and continued to kiss him. "You're get trouble," he said as I flipped us over and ran my hands up his shirt feeling his muscles as he held onto my neck and deepened the kiss before pulling away. "Eves," he said as I giggled and moved my hands out of his shirt. 

"Okay...okay fine I'll stop," I said as he sat up and leaned his forehead against mine. "Party pooper," I said as he chuckled and shook his head before kissing me softly on the lips making me smile before we got off the bed and started unpacking our stuff. 


"So how did you two meet," my dad finally asked as we all sat at the table in the kitchen eating dinner. We had been quiet for the first little while that we were eating and now my dad had finally said something to start a conversation at least. 

"Well Aaron randomly walked into my store while it was closed and he offered to carry all the boxes in for me," I said as Joe chuckled. 

"Okay that's...well that's actually a lie," he said as I arched my eyebrows. "I saw you picking up boxes out of your car and I wanted to meet you," he said as I shook my head. 

"Why didn't you ever tell me that," I asked as he shrugged.

"I don't know...I just figured you'd like the random meeting in the store version better," he said as I shook my head and kissed his cheek before I ate a bit more. 

" when did you start dating," my mom asked as Joe looked over at her. 

"That was trickier cause she kept saying she wasn't ready to date but then finally she said yes...we went out to dinner and barely talked to each other," he said as I laughed slightly. 

"Yeah it was so awkward but then we finally started to talk and then I kept seeing him after that," I said as I smiled and looked at him. "He's pretty amazing," I told my mom and dad as they laughed slightly and shook their heads. 

"It's so good to see you so happy Evelyn," my father said as I smiled over at him. 

"Yeah it is it's actually nice to trust someone and know they're not going to cheat on me," I said as Aaron shook his head.

"I would never do that," he said as I nodded my head and kissed his lips quickly before I went back to eating. "So how did you two meet," Aaron asked my parent's as my mom giggled.

"He almost ran me over," my mom said as my father rolled his eyes. 

"No I didn't you stepped out in front of my car even though I had the right away and it was because you weren't paying were to busy talking to your friends," he said as my mother rolled her eyes. 

"You see when you ask this question they start bickering about what happened," I said leaning closer to Aaron as he nodded his head. "Eventually once they finish yelling and arguing they both agree that it was both there faults and then they ask what we were talking about," she said as Aaron chuckled and listened to my parent's start to yell at each other before my father groaned and shook his head. 

"You know was both our faults okay," he said as my mother sighed and nodded her head.

"Fine," she said before they both looked at us. "What were we talking about?" she asked as Aaron and I laughed and shook our heads going back to eating as my parent's looked at us confused. 


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