Chapter Eleven: Dear Evelyn

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Evelyn's POV

I was now walking with Aaron down the street heading to my house and yes we were still quiet we had been quiet ever since Aaron had told me he had lived with a woman, I just couldn't stop thinking about what I had been through...I had lots of dates with lots of different guys but I was still a virgin and I hadn't even gone to second base...maybe I was a tease or to insecure. 

"Okay Evelyn you really need to speak now cause you're freaking me out and I don't know what's wrong," Aaron said as I sighed and put my hands in my coat pocket as we continued to walk.

"I'm sorry for being so quiet I'm just processing the fact that you lived with a woman," I told him as he looked at me.

"Are you bothered by it or..."

" I'm not bothered by it Aaron I just," I started as I looked at him. "You have been in two long-term relationships and you have lived with a woman...I've done nothing...I have no experience what so ever," I said as we turned and walked up my porch steps.

"Wait...hold on when you say no experience you mean..."

"I've never had sex," I said cutting him off as he looked at me with wide eyes before he calmed down. "I date all these idiots and there was never one guy that I trusted so I just...didn't do anything with them and that's actually why some of them dumped me," I admitted before I sighed and realized I shouldn't have said all of that. "I...I'm sorry Aaron I didn't mean to tell you that I'm just going to go in and sleep and forget this day and I'm sorry and if you don't want to see me anymore that's fine and I just," I started babbling now disappointed with myself and sad. I stopped when I felt his lips on mine kissing me softly letting it last for a minute before he pulled away slowly and leaned his forehead against mine.

"It doesn't bother me Eves," he whispered as I opened my eyes and looked at him. "You didn't have to tell me all of that but you did and I'm glad you did..."

"You don't get it Aaron," I started as he looked at me. "I like you but I'm not...I'm not going to do that with you, not unless I can really trust you and it'll take me awhile and I don't want you to go through all of this and hate me when I don't..."

"Eves," he said cutting me off as I looked at him. "I don't care...I'm not the kind of guy who pushes..."

"But you lived with someone else which clearly means that you've done all that and I don't even know what the frig I'm doing and..."

"Eve calm down," he told me as I took in a deep breath and looked at him.

"Yes I lived with someone and yes I've had sex I'm not going to lie about it but I don't care that you haven't and I don't expect you to do anything with all. Yes it's a little surprising to hear that you haven't done anything but I'm not going to tell you that you have to have sex with me...that's not who I am but if you think that's the way I am then just ask me to leave right now and I won't ever bother you again," he said to me as I sighed and looked at him.

"You really don't care that I have no...experience," I asked as he shook his head.

"I really don't care...I wouldn't care less if you had said you had never kissed anyone...although I wouldn't believe you," he added as I laughed slightly. "I like you Eve and you're not going to scare me away that easily," he told me as I smiled and nodded my head. 

"Good I'm glad cause...I like you to," I told him as he smiled and kissed me softly on the lips. "Sorry for freaking out," I added in as he shook his head.

"It's all told me the truth and that's all that matters," he added as I smiled. "Now I have to go cause I have an early shift tomorrow but I will try and stop by with some coffee," he said as I shook my head.

"You really don't have to keep bringing me coffee," I told him as he smiled.

"You like coffee and I like seeing you," he told me as I smiled and kissed him again before he walked off. He turned around to smile at me one more time before he turned and walked off as I walked into my house and smiled as I leaned against the door letting out a breath as I kept the smile on my face. 


I smiled and walked around the store putting things away as Lilly stayed behind the counter looking through our books still working on paper work, I told her that she still couldn't do anything else until I saw an actual doctors note saying she could work. 

"Okay why are you so happy this haven't stopped smiling since you got here," Selena asked me as I turned and looked over at her.

"No reason I'm just...happy," I told her as she shook her head and closed one of the books.

"You want to tell me the truth now," she asked as I sighed and leaned against the counter. 

"I...I had a date last night," I told her as she sat up straight and smiled. 

"With Aaron," she asked as I nodded my head. "I guess it went well then," she said as I nodded my head.

"Yes it went very well and I just can't stop smiling now," I said as I went back to the display so I could fix it. 

"Well that's good then...smiling is a good thing Eve," she said as I giggled and nodded my head before looking at Aaron as he walked in.

"Morning ladies," he said walking over to Selena before he handed her a coffee cup. 

"Thank you and good morning," Lilly said to him before he walked over to me and handed me the other coffee cup. 

"Morning," I said as he smiled at me.

"Morning," he said again before he kissed me softly on the lips as I smiled and kissed him back before slowly pulling away. "Okay...I have to get to work," he added in as I nodded my head. "Are we still on for tonight?" he asked as I nodded my head.

"Of course," I said still not dropping my smile.

"Good...and I promise tonight won't start off with us sitting there for half an hour not saying anything to each other," he said jokingly as I giggled and nodded my head. "See you tonight," he said kissing my cheek and going to walk out. 

"Oh wait Aaron...can you do me a favor and write a note to Aaron here letting her know I can do more then book work," Lilly asked as Aarron sighed and crossed his arms. 

"Have you seen your doctor in the last week," he asked her.

"Yes I saw her four days ago," she said as he nodded.

"Have you taken your pills," he asked as she nodded her head. "And when you saw your doctor how long did she say to take things easy," he asked her as she sighed.

"Six to eight days but I'm fine I swear," she told him.

"Any dizziness or wobbliness...have you suddenly felt ill for even a second," he asked her now walking over to her. 

"Just a little dizziness if I'm standing all day long but I swear I'll be fine," she told him as he sighed and nodded his head before pulling out a pen and a pad of paper as I crossed my arms and glared at him as he wrote something down and handed it to me. 

"I'll see you tonight," he said kissing my cheek as I rolled my eyes and looked at the paper reading it before I smiled. 

"See you tonight," I said as he chuckled and walked out before Lilly looked over at me.

"What...what did I miss he wrote you the note," she said as I giggled.

"Dear Evelyn," I started reading as Lilly looked over at me. "You look absolutely beautiful today and I can't wait for our date tonight PS don't let Lilly do anything...Aaron," she read out loud as Lilly shook her head.


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