Chapter Five: Uhhh...she scares me

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Evelyn's POV

"Okay it is not that big of a deal alright," I told Amy and Lilly as we sat in my living room in our pajamas with the TV on but on mute so that way we could talk. 

"Not that big of a deal...Eve the man has brought you coffee every morning for the last two weeks and yesterday when it was cold outside he brought you a hot chocolate," Lilly said as Amy gasped and looked at me.

"Are you serious...why have I not heard about this," she said slightly angry as I shook my head.

"Because it's nothing to hear about," I told her as she shook her head.

"Nothing to hear about...Eve you even said you wanted a guy to chase you...I call this chasing you and I have a feeling he's going to ask you out very soon," Lilly said as I shook my head.

"I'm not looking for a relationship right now girls...I just want to be single and yes he brings me coffee it doesn't mean that he likes me," I said as both of them shook there heads. "Okay I know...I just...I don't want to be hurt again...I'm broken enough as it is and I just don't want to be hurt anymore so I'm making sure that before I date again I know more about the guy then the fact that he just has a great smile," I said as they nodded there heads. 

"He does have a good smile doesn't he," Lilly said as I giggled and nodded my head. 

"How come I'm the only one who has not met him yet...hello I'm single and gorgeous I should get to see him to," she said as I laughed slightly and shook my head.

"Well you can meet him tomorrow when he brings Evelyn her coffee...however he's Eve's so don't even think about it," Lilly warned as I shook my head.

"Lilly...he's not mine there's no claim on him at all alright...I'm single and he's single and if he likes Amy and Amy likes him then they can date...I have no say in the matter," I said as Amy nodded her head.

"Well alright then...thanks for that and tomorrow I will be at your store so I can see him," Miley told me as I nodded my head. "Now on to Lilly and are you two doing," she asked as I looked at her.

"We're fine...still no ring...I want to just tell him to give me the ring already but I know that's rude so I'm patiently waiting however if one of you girls wants to drop a hint then I'd be okay with that," she said as we both laughed before I heard my phone ring from the kitchen. I got up and walked to the kitchen looking at the caller ID before I sighed and hit ignore, "who's that?" Lilly asked me making me jump as I turned and looked at her, she walked further into the kitchen and leaned against the counter as I sighed.

"Andrew...he won't stop calling me," I answered as I set my phone down on the counter. 

"Why don't you change your number then," she told me as I shook my head.

"Cause then I have to call everyone and tell them I changed my number and it's just a hassle," I said as she sighed. "I've been to busy to change my number...I work five days a week and then on weekends I'm driving around finding stuff for our store so I just don't have time to get over to the cell phone place," I said as she nodded her head.

"You seem sad now," she said as I shrugged my shoulders. "Is it about Aaron...the doctor cause if you want I can make sure he likes you," she said as I shook my head.

" I just...I don't know really I mean I like him but I don't want to be hurt again you know and now you've told Amy and you know how Amy is," I whispered so she wouldn't hear me.

"Yeah...yeah I know how she is but if that man likes you then you'll know he's being serious with you when he rejects her," she said as I nodded my head and then looked at Amy as she walked in.

"Hey...what's going on in here," she asked curiously as Lilly and I laughed slightly. "Seriously...I go to the bathroom and then come back and I have no clue what you two are talking about so catch me up," she said as Selena and I continued to laugh, as she stood there completely confused. 


"Is he going to get here soon or what," Amy complained as she sat on the counter looking at her nails but what else could I expect from her. She cared more about her appearance and boys then anything else...she had been fired from four different jobs and never went to college.

"Amy relax would you...we're doing more in here then wondering about Aaron okay...then again if you keep watching the door and your watch then he'll never show up," Selena told her as I laughed slightly. 

"Fine...but seriously how much longer could he take," she said as I shook my head. 

"Sometimes he doesn't come till the afternoon cause he works the night shift...can you please relax now and help us or shut up," I said as she sighed and nodded her head. 

"Fine I'll shut up," she said as I shook my head and continued to work. "Ohhh...yummy," she said as Lilly and I looked at the door to see Aaron arch his eyebrows and look at Amy as she got off the counter and walked over to him. "Hey must be Aaron," she said as he nodded his head as I went back to working on the jewel hanging...if you don't know what they are there fake jewels attached to fishing pole linings that hang from the ceiling to decorate the store up a bit more so as you guessed it I was currently standing on a ladder. "Oh good coffee," Amy said taking the coffee cup out of his hands. "You know I have something for you to I'll be right back," she said before walking off to the back room as Lilly shook her head.

"Uhhh...she scares me," he said as Lilly laughed slightly.

"Yeah...that's what all the guys say until they talk to her more then it's...your friend is so hot and sexy," Lilly said imitating a guy making me laugh. 

"Here you go gorgeous...when you get bored you just give me a call," Amy said before walking towards the door. "Thanks Evei," she said before walking out as I shook my head and continued to work on what I was doing. 

"So uhhhh...she does this with every guy then," he asked as Lilly nodded her head and I stayed quiet...mostly because I really didn't want to talk about this. No Amy wasn't a slut or anything she was just very forward and knew what she wanted, when something caught her attention she went after it. 

"Yes unfortunately she does," Lilly told him. "She sorta...likes men maybe sometimes a little too much," she said as he shook his head.

"Right well...she scares me," he said leaning over the counter and tossing the piece of paper that Miley had given him in the trash. "However now I only have one coffee," he said as Lilly laughed.

"Aaron...let's not pretend anymore come here to bring Eve coffee," she said as Aaron chuckled and Lilly walked off to the backroom.

"She's just as forward as your other friend," he said as I nodded my head and looked at him. "You need some help," he asked as I shook my head but sighed before I nodded. 

"Yeah...I could use some help," I said as he nodded. I climbed down the ladder and reached about half way down before he picked me up and set me on the floor and then climbed the ladder himself so he could fix the terrible job I had done, "does Miley really scare you?"

"Yes she does...I mean she's pretty and all but not my type," he said as I nodded my head.

"And...what is your type," I asked as I looked at my hands and then looked at him as he walked down the ladder. 

"Beautiful, smart, kind, good personality, funny, independent is a good thing to cause men do like there personal space every once and awhile, someone who loves to read and maybe very into history," he said as I smiled slightly. 

"See now that's weird cause you just described me," I said as he shook his head.

"Actually I was talking about think her and Nick will break up anytime soon," he said jokingly as I smacked his arm making him laugh as I shook my head. "And yes I did describe you but those are all the things I am looking for in a woman...except History that was just for your benefit I know nothing about history," he said as I laughed slightly as he climbed up the ladder again. 

"Good to know," I said as he chuckled and continued to fix the fixture as I made sure the ladder didn't fall. 


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