Chapter Twenty-One: Just go...

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Evelyn's POV

I sniffed and snuggled into my pillow a bit more before Nick walked into my room and placed my tea on the nightstand by my bed, Amy and Lilly followed him and took a seat on the bed as I sniffed again. 

"How are you feeling," Lilly asked me as I shook my head. 

"Not good," I said as she moved closer to me. "He was lying...the whole time," I said as I sniffed again. "I knew something was wrong...I knew that there was something off about this," I said as they shook their heads.

"Eves nobody could have seen this coming," Nick said to me as I shook my head. 

"There has to be something else to this," Lilly said as I looked at her. "I mean...even if your parent's were paying him there was something still there between you two," she said as I glared at her. "Sorry I'm just...curious," she said as I sniffed and shook my head. 

" I wonder the same sometimes and then I remember that my parent's paid him to talk to me...they paid him for every date we went on and everything else and I just...I hate this," I said as I buried my face into my pillow.

"Well at least he's hot," Amy said as I looked over at her and glared. 

"Amy...we're trying to make her feel better not worse," Lillysaid as Amy shrugged her shoulders.

"What...I'm just stating a fact," she said as I shook my head. "Look he hurt you and yes maybe your parent's paid him to see you but I don't see the big deal here...find a new guy and move on," Amy said as I shook my head.

"It's not that simple Amy," Nick said to her as she sighed. "Not everyone goes from guy to guy okay," he said as she glared at him.

"Are you implying that I'm a whore," she asked as Nick nodded his head.

"Yeah actually I date more guys in a month then anyone does in a year," he said as she shook her head. "Look we're here to cheer up Evelyn not talk about...him so let's just stay here and watch some movies and eat the crappiest foods we can find," he suggested as I looked over at him. 

"Sounds good to me," I said as he nodded his head and laid down beside me. "Thank you," I said as he kissed my forehead.

"Well then I will go and get a whole pile of candy," Amy said walking off as Lily sighed and lay down beside me.

"We're not going to see her till later on tonight maybe not even till tomorrow," Lilly said as I nodded my head.

"That's okay...she was starting to piss me off anyways," I said as they laughed slightly and stayed with me as we turned on the TV and watched some sappy love movie that made both Lilly and I cry but Nick just sat there shaking his head laughing at us. 


I yawned and rolled out of bed not really wanting to do anything today but I knew I had to get up and get back to the store eventually, I sighed and took a quick shower before I got dressed and walked downstairs to the kitchen as I started making some breakfast. I sighed and thought about when Aaron use to be here to eat breakfast with me, we'd make pancakes or something and he'd always wrap his arms around my waist while I was making them. I groaned and tossed that memory as far back into my brain as possible as I finished eating breakfast and then grabbed my purse, I sniffed and grabbed my keys before I opened the door and paused.

"Dad," I said as he slipped his hands into his pockets. 

"Hi...I know you don't want to talk to your mother and I."

"That's right I don't," I said to him as he placed his hand on the door stopping me from closing it. 

"Evelyn please...can you just give me five minutes," he asked me as I sighed. I hated what my father had done but he had always been my best supporter for everything I did so five minutes...five minutes I would deal with, I opened the door and let him in before I sighed and looked at him. 

"What do you want," I asked him as I crossed my arms. 

"Evelyn...I'm sorry about what your mother and I did but we...we just wanted you to be happy okay and he was never suppose to start dating you," he told me as I shook my head.

"I don't want to talk about Aaron right now," I said as tears lined my eyes. 

"He's an intern Evelyn he makes no money," he said as I walked to the door and opened it again. "He posted an ad on line saying he needed some money and he'd do anything legal to get it," he said as I looked at him. "So your mother and I met with him and did a background check on him and then paid him some money just to befriend you," he explained as I shook my head. "We didn't even know that you two had started dating or anything or else I would have told you what we had done," he said as I shook my head.

"Dad...just go...please," I said as I sniffed and let a few tears fall. 

"Okay...okay I will," he told me as he walked to the door as I ran the back of my hand down my cheek wiping away my tears. "I'm so sorry Evelyn...I only did this to see you smile again," he told me before he walked off as I pushed the door closed before I covered my face and continued to cry knowing that I wasn't going to work today. 


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