Chapter Four: Wow...he really likes you

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Evelyn's POV

I picked up another box and then carried it into the shop as I set it down in the back room and then walked to my car grabbing another box, it seems that both Lilly and I found really good sales yesterday and I didn't want to store all the boxes at my house so I brought them to the store. I set the box down beside the one I had just carried in before I walked out of the backroom and then stopped as someone stood in the store looking around.

"I'm sorry but...we're closed today," I told him as he looked at me.

"Oh...really...I thought you were open cause the door..." he started as I shook my head.

"Sorry but no...we're closed on the weekends I'm just bringing boxes in," I told him as he nodded his head.

"Then I guess I'll come back another day," he said as I nodded my head. "Unless you'd like some help," he asked as I arched my eyebrows.

"You want to help me," I asked as he shrugged.

"Sure...I came in here just to look cause I'm having a boring day but if you need some help," he said as I shrugged and sat on the counter.

" car is right out there and there are six boxes in there...if you want to bring them in that would be great," I said as he nodded and I shook my head. It's amazing how hard guys try to make themselves seem like they're gentleman...they try to make themselves seem like they are the good guys and then you walk in on them with another woman...or women...that has happened to me before and it was not a pretty site I can guarantee you of that.

"You said the back room right," he asked me walking in with a box as I nodded my head. He walked to the back room and walked out again as he stopped and looked at me, "so you're going to stop and sit're not even going to help?"

" see I was going to bring them in myself but since you were so kind and offered to help me I can just sit here now and enjoy the rest of my Sunday," I stated as he chuckled and nodded his head.

"Alright then," he said before walking outside again and then continued to walk back and forth till all six boxes were sitting in the back room.

" were bored and had nothing to do," I said as he nodded his head. " least some guys think of way better excuses so that one...well that ones pretty lame," I said as he shook his head.

"It wasn't a lie...I had the day off and I'm going crazy sitting around my apartment so I decided to get out...I work in a hospital so it's fast paced and I'm always doing something so when I get a day off I just...don't know what to do with my time," he said as I hopped off the counter and looked at him.

"You're a doctor," I asked as he shook his head. "Dear god if you tell me anything disgusting I will kill you right here and now," I said as he arched his eyebrows.

"Ummm...alright," he said and he sounded confused then again what the hell do I know about men. "But...I'm an intern in the hospital...I help out in the pediatrics ward," he said as I sighed in relief and then looked at him.

"So you work with babies," I asked as he nodded.

"Babies and very hormonal...angry women," he said as I laughed slightly and shook my head.

"Oh that must be a fun job," I said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"It's very...interesting but it keeps me busy," he said as I nodded my head. "Anyways...I guess I should go home now and stop wondering around," he said as I nodded my head.

"You should probably enjoy your days some TV, listen to a book," I suggested as he nodded.

"I guess I'll have to learn to do that then," he said as I nodded my head. "I'm Aaron by the way...and it was nice meeting you...although you did make me lug in all those boxes," he said as I shook my head laughing slightly as I walked outside with him shutting and locking the door behind me.

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