Chapter Nine: Fancy

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Evelyn's POV

I yawned and turned the computers off in the back room before I shut the lights off and walked to the front where I placed my purse on the counter and then looked through the computer seeing how well the store did today before I sighed and shook my head, yes the store was still doing well but I was so tired by the time the afternoon hit that I just wanted to close the store until Lilly got better...but I couldn't do that because then the store would do badly and we really needed the money. 

"Hello," I heard as I looked over at the door seeing Aaron walk in with a black basket making me arch my eyebrows. 

"Okay...I'm not going to ask what's in the basket...instead I'm going to ask you what you're doing here at ten o'clock at night," I said as he chuckled and set the basket down on the counter before he looked at me.

"Well you said you were busy for the next few weeks so I decided to bring dinner to you," he said as I sighed and shook my head. 

"Aaron...that's really sweet of you but don't you have work...I mean you're still in your uniform," I asked him as he shook his head. 

"I took an extended lunch with permission and then I will go back to the hospital once we finish eating dinner," he said as I leaned against the counter. "It's actually only sandwiches and orange juice cause that's all I could get this late at night," he said as I laughed and shook my head.

"Alright...fine," I said as he nodded. I shut the computer off and then walked around the counter as he sat on the floor and I grabbed a few candles letting them sit around us, I lit them and then sat beside Aaron as he handed me a see through container that held a sandwich inside. 

"It's suppose to be turkey but it really could be anything," he said as I shook my head. "Once you get some spare time...would you object to letting me take you to a nice place for dinner," he asked as I shook my head.

"No...although if the sandwich kills me then you'll be going alone," I said as he chuckled and shook his head. 

"Okay the food isn't that bad," he said as I shook my head. "You know...this place is really beautiful at night," he said looking around as I shook my head.

"It's just cause all the lights are out and the white Christmas lights are the only thing that stay on at with the candles it makes this place seem like it's a romantic spot when really and truly it's just another place to sit in," I said as he shook his head.

"No...the Christmas lights aren't bright enough to make the room seem like a restaurant but bright enough to be romantic and the candles just add a really nice smell to the room to make things more soothing and inviting," he said as I arched my eyebrows. "Not in a dirty way," he added as I laughed slightly and shook my head. 

"I know what you mean Aaron," I said as he nodded his head. "You've been walking in and out of here for just over a month now and all I know is that you're a pediatrician and your name is Aaron," I said as he shook his head.

"There's not much else to tell...I'm an intern though not a pediatrician...hopefully I'll be hired next time...the hospital goes through a hiring process and they take on only so many doctors every six far I've gone by three of them and they still haven't hired me so I keep working and working and I'm not being paid for it," he told me as I shook my head. 

"Is there a reason they haven't hired you," I asked as he shook his head.

"The first hiring only took on two interns," he said as I nodded my head. "The second one hired people outside the interns they needed people with lots of experience and then the last one they did which was about a month and a half ago wasn't my department so I'm hoping that I'll get hired in March," he explained as I shook my head.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that and I'm sure if you keep working as hard as you do then you'll be hired in March," I said as he nodded. "Anything else I should know," I asked as he sighed and shook his head.

"No...not really," he said as I set the sandwich down.

"Aaron there has to be something you can tell know like family...friends," I asked as he took in a deep breath.

"Well I work a lot so I don't really have that many friends," he said as I nodded my head. "And," he said before shaking his head and looking at his hands. I moved closer to him and placed my hands on his arm as he looked at me, "my parent's died when I was eight." He said finally as I sat there shocked still holding onto his arm and looking at him as he sniffed and looked at his hands again. 

"Your parent's died when you were eight years old," I said as he nodded his head and looked at me.

"Yeah...they were in a car accident and so I went into the foster care system and then I was separated from my brother," he told me as I sighed. "I actually just recently found him...we talk like once a month but it's so awkward you I spent so much of my life trying to find him and now that I have found him I don't even know what to say. We just sit there quietly staring off into space...once a month we see each other...once a month and I can never think of anything to tell him to start a conversation," he said as I shook my head.

"Aaron...all you have to do is ask him how he is or what his life's like...ask him if he has a girlfriend or if his foster parent's are good people..."

"They are...that I already know," he said as I nodded my head.

"Well still there's lots of things you can ask him...and if he doesn't have a girlfriend then maybe you can introduce him to Amy cause then you'll see him more often and you'll feel better about being around him," I suggested as he chuckled.

" want me to set my brother up with your crazy friend Amy," he said as I nodded my head. "I can tell you now that Matt will not like her...since he's three years older then I am...and I think he has someone he likes he just doesn't talk about her," he said as I giggled and nodded my head. 

"That makes sense then and yes Amy can be a bit much at times," I added as he nodded his head. 

"Yup I've noticed that," he said leaning his head back against the counter before he looked at me again. 

"So what about foster parent's then," I asked as he shook his head.

"I went from foster home to foster home and I caused so much trouble that I never lasted...I was hoping that if I kept complaining and causing problems that eventually they would put me with my brother but...he was adopted by a family rather then staying in the system and I didn't know that until I reached eleventh then I worked my ass off and got good grades and then at eighteen I had no real parent's or foster parent's so I got a whole pile of scholarships and went to medical school and I also had a job on the side and I worked and worked and now here I am," he said as I nodded my head. "Now what about you," he asked as I looked at him.

"Well I grew up with a loving father and a very objective...opinionated mother and you already know about the guys I dated...other then that I got my degree in history and Lilly got one in business and then we opened the store together...she takes care of most of the finances and stuff like that but she still knows her history to," I said as he waited. "That's it...oh and we met Amy in high school and she's been that way since we met her," I added as he chuckled.

"So that's it...that's your life," he said as I nodded.

"Yeah pretty much...I mean there were some really bad guys in between there...some gross ones...some assholes and all of them very perverted. I did get bitch slapped once but that was my fault I really shouldn't have called her a whore," I said as he chuckled. 

"Alright're not that exciting," he said as I smacked his arm. "Relax it was a joke," he added as I shook my head. 

"So if you don't get exactly are you going to take me to a fancy place for dinner," I asked as he chuckled and shook his head.

"I have money saved up," he said as I nodded my head. 

"Alright...I don't want you going broke because you took me to a fancy place...I don't mind eating burgers and pizza or hospital sandwiches," I said as he laughed and shook his head.

"I'll be fine...really," he said as I nodded my head. I smiled and watched as he leaned in and kissed me letting it be a quick know one that lasts about twenty seconds but it still remains on your lips for hours...the one that makes you all tingly and makes you smile after that he pulled away and I smiled and went back to eating as he did the same. 

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