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"Lost?" They asked in a female voice as smooth as caramel.

"Ah!" Naida jumped and spun around to see who had appeared. Behind her was a tall mermaid with pale skin, thick silver hair that floated around her body and ended at her waist, a normal merfolk tail shaped like Mako's but it was soft grey with gold and silver stripes that were pattered across her tail like the rippled reflection sunlight casts underwater, and she wore a skimpy light grey bikini top that matched her tail color, but the strangest thing was her eyes, which instead of being solid black like the brother's, hers were solid white. Perhaps mermen have black eyes and mermaids have white eyes?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I always do that!" She apologized, laughing self consciously and rubbing her palms on the side of her tail. "Merfolk tend to spook around me, though you're the second human to see me, how is that possible? Is that your gift? Are you actually a mermaid?"

"Oh, no, I'm human, but my- some mermen gave their gifts to me, allowing me to be able to function underwater, though, since they're gifts I have to stay near them. You said I'm the second person to have seen you, and seeing you're a mermaid, was the first person the one you were created for? Are you the one Mako sung for?"

"Mermaid..." She mumbled, just audible enough that Naida caught it, and the mermaid's smile wavered. She shook her head and brought her smile back. "Hey, you know a thing or two! Though, I'm afraid I'm not who you think I am, however it pleases me to hear you're acquainted with another... singing merfolk. Might I ask your name?"

"I'm Naida. And you are?" She answered pleasantly, glad to finally get acquainted with the first female she'd seen since she was reborn.

"Lanai." She replied with a small, playful bow, making both girls giggled a little. "It's great to meet another human, I forgot how open they are, trusting even. I haven't met someone like you since..." She paused and her face fell. "Since my human died." She whimpered.

"Oh... I'm so sorry." Naida consoled and touched Lanai's hand. Lanai flinched and her breath hitched, then suddenly, she pulled Naida into a hug and broke into sobs. Naida stroked her hair and whispered condolences.

Lanai took a deep breath, clutching Nadia's hair and clothes, then backed away, sniffling. "I-I'm sorry fo-for jumping on you like th-that." She apologized and attempted to put a smile back on.

"It's nothing, I'm here for you." Naida cooed and took Lanai's hands in hers.

"Naida, you almost done? Betta is here!" Lionfish called and the girls froze.

"I better go and let you get back to them. Do me a favor, don't mention me? I know it's odd, but, I don't like my name being given to people unless it's by me." Lanai said softly, looking a little ashamed.

The Ocean's Song (pt. 1) (Going through edits)Where stories live. Discover now