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"And you've never told us about this, why?" Krait asked in a condescending tone.

"Well, I never thought it was important until now. Well, it still isn't, but I thought it would be a cool side note?" He said, looking away. Embarrassed and no longer in the mood for talking, especially after today's recent events, he swam through the window to his room, deciding to prepare and eat his food there.

"I think I was a little too harsh on Lionfish." Naida admitted regretfully and brushed the hair out of her eyes.

"Well, he did insult you pretty badly, surely not on purpose, but he hurt you all the same." Shark noted. "You put him in his place and it was about time." He patted her on the back. "Come on, let's get cooking, hmm?" He smiled and opened the door for Naida.

She smiled, nodding agreement and thanks, entering her new home.

Maybe this won't be so bad.


A month had passed since Naida's rebirth. Her room nearly done but the brothers said they were looking for the final piece to make it perfect, she had gotten used to being around the boys since she had been around them so much and taking turns sleeping in each of their rooms, and was adjusting to life underwater. It had been a trying time, but she came away learning more about, well, everything

Ray was a real lady's man and Naida now started her day with Ray doing her hair.

Mako cared more about everyone around him than himself and kept the brothers together and on each other's good side.

Krait, once you got past his shy shell, was actually very sweet and helpful and not near as creepy as he first seemed.

Shark looked like he could snap the spine of a whale, but was actually the biggest softy of the brothers and was protective over his brothers and especially Naida.

Lionfish was a real show-off and loved to boast about how much Niada loved him, despite her warnings and opinions and when it came to which is bigger, the ocean, or Lionfish's ego, Lionfish's ego would win, though all the brothers reassured her he was just nervous around her.

Naida's swimming had greatly improved since her time as a child of the ocean and she had when she needed her gifts reapplied down, though, she was starting to worry about Krait and Mako and how they were holding up.

The Ocean's Song (pt. 1) (Going through edits)Where stories live. Discover now