Telling Graser ( Chapter 26 )

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Graser's 'POV'

I didn't want to leave Sarah at home alone but I also didn't want to spend another second in the house. I think Stacy or someone stayed home so kiingtong wouldn't do anything to Sarah.

I'm glad that I came cause we are having fun but I miss Sarah and feel bad for just leaving her even though she needed some sleep. I'm ready to go to the house now, I hope Sarah is okay.

Stacys 'POV'

Devon and I are in bed snuggling......i guess you can say we are a couple now.

After a while I fell asleep resting my head on Devons chest, he's so warm.

Sarah's 'POV'

Kiingtong moved his hand down to my belly then looked me in the eye and smiled. Why would he do this? Was the whole taking advantage thing his plan all along? What do I do? Kiingtong walked off. I tried to take a step but I fell to the floor. My vision went blurry then blackness...

Kiingtongs 'POV'

I can't kiss her! I should have though. It's just not right. Why didn't she push me away? Did she like it?

"Thump" I heard a light thump coming from the kitchen but I ignored it.

I guess I won.....

Sarah's 'POV'


I woke up on the floor next to the cupboard. My head hurts so bad and my vision is coming back slowly. I rubbed my eyes and it was like watching a camera go from unfocused to focused again, causing me to get a little dizzy.

I grabbed the edge of the bench and pulled myself up. I ran upstairs trying not to fall over, when I got in the room I locked the door then searched the room to make sure kiingtong wasn't there.

I laid on my bed and silently sobbed wishing that I was home with my cat Cindy. Going home had been the last thing on my mind this whole trip except for now, it is the only thing on my mind other than what just happened with kiingtong.

Do I tell Graser? Graser will kill him. What do I do? After a while I decided that I need to stop being so positive, that's what got me in this mess in the first place. I'm going to tell Graser when he gets home, I don't want to feel the guilt from not telling him and it was wrong of kiingtong to do what he did today. I know he didn't kiss me or anything but there was still sexual tension.

I started to doze off then I heard the door opened. It must be Graser, he's the only one with a key. Graser ran to my bed. I just laid there, his voice was blacked out all I could see was his mouth move. What is wrong with me?

My hearing came back as he shook me to wake me up.

" What happened? Did he touch you?" Graser freaked out but tried to comfort me as much as possible.

" Babe what happened? " He asked in a serious tone. I can't take serious things so I giggled which was probably the worst time to giggle ever.

" What's so funny? Are you pranking me? " He asked with a little smirk.

" No, I h-hate s-serious things " I barley whispered then burst into tears. I feel like trash. Trash is something you don't want or something that is cheap and nasty. Why did kiingtong treat me like trash?

Graser laid down with me. I hugged him as tight as my weak body could and rested my head on his chest.

" I love you " I whispered then dozed off.

Graser's 'POV'

What did he do? Sarah fell asleep so I guess it just happened. I want to kill him but I don't know for sure what he did so I'm just going to wait for Sarah to wake up.

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