Meeting graser ( chapter 3 )

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I arrived at the court house.

I got all of my stuff and walked in as quick as I could. this was like my 11th or 12th time but I was still very nervous.

I sat next to my client and went over some things about the case.

The case was finally finished and all my late nights payed off. we won !

We shook hands and he said thank you and he will send me a check tomorrow.

I got in my car and drove home.

When I got home I let out a huge sigh then went into my kitchen and had a piece of chocolate cake and a coffee.

After eating and washing up I went up stairs and had a shower and then got dressed in my pj's.

I went back down stairs and made a salad then put it in the fridge for a while.

I was watching TV for about an hour then I fell asleep.

"Ahg" I got up and went to my fridge and ate some salad.

After eating and putting it away I walked up stairs and went to bed.

I woke up and smiled knowing that today was the day I record with Straub!

I finally got out of bed and walked down stairs to eat some sultana bran.

After washing up I had a shower then got dressed in some jeggings and a loose grey jumper I didn't bother doing much with my hair so I just brushed it and left it out.

I walked down to my mail box and grabbed the check from the court case then I went up to my apartment and then started to watch TV.

I got my phone out and tweeted.

" Got a very big surprise for my viewers tonight :) <3 "

I turned my TV off then got my bag. I decided to go shopping I needed some new clothes and some food.

After shopping I looked at the time : 4:30pm.

I put my shopping away then ran up stairs to my computer and checked my email.


I plonked on my bed then I got a notification from twitter.

Straub favourited my tweet!

I jumped up off my bed and let out a little squeal!

"Bloop" I ran to my computer.

To Sarah,

Hey, you ready to surprise them. aha:)

From Straub.

I chuckled then replied :

To Straub,


From Sarah .

I loaded up Minecraft then got on team speak.

I was so nervous. I cleared my throat then fixed my hair even knowing that can't see me.

I heard Straub.

Straub - "hey, so do you want to do sg or mini game?"

Me- "ah yea, which ever one you want is fine with me. "

Straub- "we'll it is your vid sooo....."

Me - "ok, a mini game then please:)"

Straub- "ok, do you want to do a test recording first? "

Me - "yes please!"

In the middle of the recording I heard another person in the call. a guy!

Graser- "hey, Straub bro I need minutes!"

Omg it's graser what do I say?

Straub- "oi, bud your lucky this is just a test recording!"

Graser- "oh sorry I didn't see the other name. hey ."

Me - "oh, hey"

Straub - "get out bud!"

Graser- "ok, ok, sorry bye."

I didn't want him to leave they are both my idols I couldn't let him leave.

Me - "no, hey maybe he should stay I mean having three of us will take some stress of my shoulders."

Straub - "oh, ok. graser buddy you got time?"

Graser- "yea , but you have to give me mins then."

Straub - "ok, we are almost done this test recording on sg."

After the test recording they both said that I was ready and I was good at commentary.

We recorded a vid for everyone of us.

A mini game for me, an sg for graser and an sg for Straub.

After the test recording Straub said he will email me when we can record next.

Straub said bye and it was just graser and I in the call. how awkward.

After about 15 seconds of silence graser finally says something.

Graser - "hey, you are a very good commentator and your very funny. I just checked out your Chanel you want to record a vid sometime?"

Me - "yea, sure um here is my email :

( blah blah blah )." Completely ignoring the fact he said I was funny and a good commentator.

Graser- "cool, I will let you know when then :). "

Me - "ok, well bye."

Graser- "bye."

I shut down my computer then got in my pj's then jumped in bed.

I couldn't sleep. all I could think about was Straub, minecraft, Graser and every time I thought about Graser I would get butterfly's.

Do I like him? no that's crazy we just met. I thought to myself.

I finally fell asleep.

I woke up happy for once like I actually wanted to get out of bed and start my day.

I had a shower, ate some sultana bran and a coffee, brushed my teeth then I went up stairs to edit my video from last night.

I have an email! I clicked on the email from straub.

To Sarah,

Thanks for being in my vid last night u were great and I'm rendering in an hour so hurry up if you want yours up at the same time!

From straub.

I smiled then replied.

To Straub,

Ok, your lucky I'm a fast editor then :)

From Sarah.

I quickly edited then started to render and upload.

After an hour it was up.

I got my phone and tweeted:

" Hey guys your surprise is up!"

I then saw that I had an email from graser!


Hello :)

Thanks for reading, the story will get more interesting and will fit the tittle but it is what is:)

I wrote us talking to each other like this first : graser- "hey" he said sounding happy.

But then I decided to take off the "he said sounding happy" bit because I thought it was too much but please tell me your opinion!

Don't forget to leave some tips and feedback in the comments please!


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