Rude interruption ( Chapter 5 )

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Some of the cube members joined the chat room but we didn't notice because we were in a deep conversation.

Graser - " what is your favourite colour?"

As I was about to say my answer, well this happened :

Straub - "have you asked her out yet? Graser ?"

Rusher - "yeah better be quick bud!"

Kiingtong - " aha get in there Graser"

Bayani - ^^^^^^ "aha , how did you not notice us?"

User disconnected from your call.

Me - "naw, you guys! :( "

The next morning I got up, had a shower then I got a call from Straub.

Straub - " hey, sorry that was pretty rude of us last night. I apologised to Graser too, I'm sorry, please forgive us"

Me - "aha, it's all good. I'm fine just worried about Graser. he said he would call me before he goes to sleep. how long were you guys in our chat room for?"

Straub - "oi!, robots have no feelings. don't worry he will call and if he doesn't then he probably fell asleep. oh and we only listened for like the last quater of you conversation."

Me - " oh , wow good acting. oooo.... he's calling me bye!

* hangs up *

Graser - " hey, ahh about last night....

I cut him off before he could finish.

Me - " don't worry about last night I reckon it was funny. Are you ok?."

Graser - " oh, that's good you should have stayed I came back on like a min or two arfter."

Me - " oh , aha I was tired anyway."

Graser and I talked for a while then we both said bye and logged off of team speak.

I walked downstairs into my kitchen and poured some sultana bran then edited my video from last night.

After it had uploaded I got a message from Straub asking me to go on team speak.

I logged into team speak and went in Straub and Grasers chat room.

While Straub was saying sorry kiingtong, Rusher and Bayani joined and said sorry too.

Me - " it's ok we were just talking."

Rusher - " yea, " talking"."

Bayani- " hey, Sarah you should join the cube!."

Kiingtong - " yea "

Rusher - " yea "

Straub - " yea , so we can have some romance on the cube! You can get married in H's auction house!."

Graser and I disconnected as a joke then we got back in and it was official I am a member of the cube smp!

I left a heart in the chat.

Me - <3

Graser -<3

Straub - <3

Kiingtong - <3

Bayani - <3

Rusher - hey, watch it buds that heart was for Graser not u!

I decided to put some bathers on and a beach dress over them.

I was at the beach and I took a photo of me in my bakini with a beautiful background of an Australian beach.

A few minutes later i got a notification from twitter.

"Graser10 favourited your tweet "at the beach"

I smiled then went for a swim.

After like a half an hour later I got out and started to walk home.

When I got home I ate some left over chicken salad and then put my pj's on.

I looked at my computer. I have two emails.

Grape - yay , your joining the cube!

Bee - yay, we can be the two Aussie girl bee- ff 's.

After I replied I got into bed and instantly fell asleep.

" Bring" " bring " I woke up then answered the phone.

Straub - " hey, you should go see Graser."

Me - " I hardly know him thanks to you guys!"

Straub and I had a talk about Graser and my relationship for a while and then we said bye.


It was a few months later ( around three months later ). And my relationships grew bigger and bigger with every cube member especially Graser. I was even in a UHC but I didn't win :(

I texted Graser to tell him to get on Skype chat.

A few mins later he did.

Me - Graserrrrrrrr!

Graser - Sarahhhhhhhhhh!

Me - wud?

Graser - wud?

Me - aha, so do you want to do a clip

for cube evo?

Graser- do you wanna build a snow.... oh, yea sure.

After goofing around a lot we finally stopped recording and talked about pax!

Graser - "So are you going to pax?"



Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

Don't forget to leave me some feedback in the comments:)


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