Chapter 11: School Part 2

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Clary's p.o.v

I was at my locker changing my books for next period when someone whispered in my ear.

"Hey beautiful." Nate purred. He was leaning against the locker next to me. I closed my locker and rolled my eyes, walking off. Jace was leaning against a locker near us talking to Ben and Kendall when his eyes snapped to me, he grinned all cockily, but once he saw Nate behind me his gin faded. He now looked slightly pissed off. Why would he be pissed off? I thought.

"What do you want Nate?" I asked. He grabbed my arm pulling me to a stop. I whirled around to face him, i had to look up at him.Nate was now smiling widely, his eyes sparkling with amusement. We were standing in the middle of the schools hallway and Jon, Jace and their friends were standing a few meters away now.

"I just want to walk you to class that's all." He smiled cockily. What did he want from me? Jon will seriously kick his ass if he found out that Nate even considered walking me to class. But they were close enough to hear anyway.

"Yeah no thanks." I said turning around to walk away but Nate took ahold of my arm again. Okay now I'm getting frustrated.

"Come on please." He said giving me a puppy dog face that I hate to admit looked cute on him.

"Why would you even want to?" I asked raising my eyebrows up at him.

He smiled and said "because you have Sebastian roaming around these halls stalking you." His eyes turned dark with dislike. I looked around couscous. Nate was right Sebastian was leaning against a door staring at me and Nate, then glancing at Jace and Jon with a nervous expression.

I shrugged and sighed dramatically. "Fine." I said walking off whilst rolling my eyes. Nate smiled wickedly. He caught up to me and took ahold of my hand and interlaced our fingers as we passed Jace and his friends. I looked down in bewilderment, I looked up at Jace who now looked seriously pissed off. Nate smiled evilly at Jace and hurried me down the hall to my English class. What was that about? I thought. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, but I thought I saw a flash of jealousy in Jace's eyes, I shook my head, no,no it was something else.

Once Nate and I got to my class we stopped outside the door, I whirled around to look at him, he looked proud of himself for something, I don't know what. I took my hand back and thanked him.

"No problem, I'll see you at lunch beautiful." He smiled and bent down to kiss my cheek but I quickly jerked away and ran into the class. I didn't want his slutty lips on me. Once I walked into class I spotted Matthew in the back waving me over. I smiled and made my way to sit down next to him.

"Was that Nate Huchenson?" He asked raising an eyebrow smirking.

"Yes and no eww , I hate him, he was just walking me to class because of Sebastian. Apparently he has been following me everywhere and watching my every move." I said shuddering. Why won't Sebastian just leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with him, can't he get that through his head?

"Speaking of stalker Sebastian, guess who just walked in." Matt nodded toward the class door his eyes had dislike in them. I looked at the door and none other than Sebastian walked in. Oh for the love of god!! Sebastian spots me and walks down the aisle of desks. I stiffen as he takes the seat in front of me. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding once the teacher walked in. He turned around and smirked at me. Matthew didn't know what happened to me and Sebastian all he knows is that Sebastian is a stalker and a creep.

"Hello Clary. Guess what? I'm not going anywhere and I'm going to do a lot worse then what I did last time to you, that's if you will take me back, otherwise you will be getting a lot more then just slaps like last you remember?" He said still smirking. But he whispered it. I don't think I can take this anymore. I jump out of my seat and grab my books. I'm practically running toward the door. I didn't stop even when I heard the teacher yelling after me.

"MISS MORGENSTERNERN, WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!!??" She yelled. I just ignored her and slammed the door running down the hallway. As I'm running to my locker I see Jace walking down the hallway. Once he saw me he stopped and looked at me with a questionable look. Because the teacher is still yelling at me. "MISS MORGENSTERN COME BACK THIS INSTANT!!!" She continued yelling. Again I ignore her and jam open my locker. I throw in my books, I grab my bag and keys and run toward the school entrance doors, tears streaming down my face. Not even sparing a glance at Jace who was now following me to my car. I run as fast as I can and open the door to my car. Not before Jace comes and closes it looking at me with a questionable look.

"Just let me go please!" I begged. He grabbed me around my waist and embraced me in his arms hugging me tightly while I cried into his broad chest. He was soothing down my hair hushing me.

"Shhh it's okay. Come on I'll go home with you and you can tell me what happened. Jon can get a ride home. Okay?" Jace asked still soothing down my hair. I nodded and pulled away. I jerked open my car door and jumped in, Jace took the passengers side, I then start the engine and dive out if the school gates, heading home. I won't be able to tolerate Sebastian for the whole time I will be here, which will be for 2 years.

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