A Wont Demanding Change

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26th March

11:40 P.M.

Even though Mujibur Rehman has been arrested, and the revolters are being captured left, right and center, the Eastern Populace refuses to back down. A new operation has been launched now now to round up the more vocal supporters of separation. Moreover, Major Zaiur Rehman, who was thought to be loyal to Pakistan has now declared the East's independence, which now calls itself Bangladesh. With a substantial proportion of our troops now in the East, and another substantial portion on the Radcliffe line, the capital, the civil provinces and more importantly the harbour are in danger of being too short on manpower. If we were to station the troops that are kept in reserve to these places we would be short of reserve troops and if war was to break out with India we would certainly be in a ... situation. The debate regarding this is still ongoing and this time the bureaucrats have nothing to do with it at all. Their delaying the previous deployment has already cost us dearly.

Abba managed to get information on some training camps for the rogue officers that have deserted the army and joined the Awami league's regiments instead. They had already deserted the camp by the time we were able to get there, but they left behind valuable information. This has, as was desired, fueled Abba's promotion and now, instead of Farooqi, it is him who has been made the Major General. There is a celebration being held in his honour the coming week.

On the other hand, I will probably go down in history as the most tactless man alive. Just now, not fifteen minutes ago, when Sehmat and I were sitting down and conversing, I pulled out a cigarette. And honestly, if this is not the most tactless thing I have ever done, I don't know what is. Her father is fatally sick because of a tumor in his lungs, and he has never touched a cigarette in his life, and here I am. I know I should have gotten rid of this habit a long time ago—It annoys Abba very much that both his sons smoke. Anyhow, if I cannot get rid of it, I will have to at least stop doing it in Sehmat's presence.

Iqbal S. 

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