I Will Never Go Against You.

Start from the beginning

I cross my arms, "What are you saying?"

She visibly swallows, "I don't think you should go see Jasmine. She has the Black Dragon tattoo on her."

I smile at her, "I'm only going to visit her. No need to get all worked up."

I close the file and pull out my phone. I look up Black Dragon and all that comes up is that they're a very secrecy group. The only thing people know about them is what their sign is.

I look at the picture of Black Dragon, "This is going to be fun."

Two Weeks Later

Bunny is finally done taking her stupid pain pills. I haven't really done any killing since she tried to kill herself. So right now I'm desperate to slice someone's throat or shoot someone in the head.

I walk to the back and see Bunny playing with Kovu. She looks at me and then back at Kovu, "Did you know Nancy was worried about you?"

She continues to play with Kovu, "That's a lie."

I shake my head, "It's actually not. She asked me was it a bad thing for her to
worry about you. I told her that's for her to decide."

She finally looks at me, "As if someone with no type of emotion would care about me. I'm surprised she has never tried to kill you."

I raise my eyebrow, "Who said she never tried?"

I walk up to her and she steps back. I grab her by the neck and slowly push her against a tree, "I killed Nancy family. She tried to kill me plenty of times in our first few years being together. Then one day I finally told her why I killed her family. After that, I told her the reason she became the Emotionless Nancy who helps me find people."

She looks at me with a disgusted look and I groan, "I really love when you look at me like that."

She pushes me away, "Nancy is the first person I've ever broken."

I dig in my back pocket and pull out my phone and see a text message from Kade. "Why must they come here all of a sudden?"

I say to myself as I read the message, "Why did you kill her family?"

I hum in response, "Why? Because I wanted to."

She shakes her head, "That's a lie. Why would she all of sudden give up killing you after you killed her family? She should either still be trying or."

"Or what? Kill herself like you tried two times before?" She walks past me and I follow behind her, "Looking for Nancy?"

She ignores me as we walk in the house with Kovu following us in. We walk in the kitchen and she stares at Nancy, "Why did he kill your family?"

Nancy looks at Bunny and then at me. I lean against the wall and watch them with a smile on my face. Kovu sits down beside me and looks up at me. I rub his head and look at Nancy.

"M-My family? I-I don't r-remember."

Bunny shakes her head, "Why are you lying? Who can I tell? I'm stuck here until he kills me anyway. Why did he kill your family?"

Nancy slowly shakes her head, "I-I don't remember."

Bunny bangs on the counter, "Bullshit!! You remember! Who would forget about their family being murdered?!"

Nancy steps back and shakes her head, "No! I don't remember!"

I tick my tongue when I see tears in Nancy's eyes, "You're making her cry."

Nancy tears fall and she covers her ears, "I want to forget!! I don't want to remember!!"

She falls to the floor and mumbles to herself.

Bunny looks at her, "Why do you want to forget?! That's not something you can just forget!!"

Nancy screams, "No!! Shut up!!"

I let out a long sigh, "Nancy's family wasn't the best to her. Her dad and older brother raped her every day. Mom was a drug addict and used Nancy's body to get more drugs whenever she didn't have the money. Nancy had her brother and father's dick in her every day along with some drug dealer's dick in her nonstop."

I kick myself off the wall, "Nancy go to your room." She quickly runs out of the kitchen while crying.

"So one day I decided to go to Nancy's home. I walk in on a man beating and raping Nancy. Her mom was high on some drug and her brother and dad were just sitting on the sofa watching tv."

Bunny covers her mouth and I see tears form in her eyes, "I shot the guy who was raping her in the head. I had Luke find two guys for me. I had the two guys rape Nancy's mother repeatedly as the brother and the dad watch. Nancy was unconscious through it all."

Bunny's tears finally fall and I laugh, "You want to know so bad. No need for you to cry."

She sucks in a shaky breath and I laugh, "As the guys are raping the mom I have the brother and dad standing up with no clothes on. Guess what I did to them?"

She slowly shakes her head and I roll my eyes, "You're no fun."

"I cut both of their dicks off and shove them up their own asses." I pull out my phone and go to some pictures. I show her the pictures and she gasps.

"Since they like fucking so much they might as well fuck themselves. They were alive through it all. They died a slow and painful death by bleeding out. I shot the mom in the head and then left after that."

"Once it gets on the news I go to the hospital Nancy was located and found out that she doesn't remember anything that has ever happened to her. The only thing she remembered was seeing me kill her family. I brought her home with me and every day for the next two years she tried to kill me until one day I told her everything."

Bunny sits down in shock, "Once I told her everything she remembered everything. She remembered her dad and brother raping her. She remembered her mom being a drug addict and remembered the drug dealer who used to rape her also. Nancy was so traumatized that her mind made her forget everything. Me telling her the reason why I killed her family triggered something and helped her remembered."

Bunny puts my phone down and starts rocking back and forth in the chair. "Why didn't you kill her after she tried to kill you?" A voice asked.

I look past Bunny and see Kade, Cain, and Niall. I cross my arms, "Because she became someone who helped me find my next killings."

I smile at them, "How much did you hear?" Niall shrugs his shoulders, "Everything. Let me see the pictures."

I throw him my phone and he looks at the pictures with wide eyes. "Yeah, Cain he beats you. Look at the way he killed them."

Cain looks at the pictures, "That is worse than me."

I leave the kitchen and go to Nancy's room. I open the door and see her sitting on the bed staring out the window. "You're not thinking suicidal, are you?"

She continues to stare out the window with a blank look and a tear stain face. "You saved me from my family. I will never go against you no matter what."

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