"Don't worry, we shall talk more when you get here. Say hi to your family." 

"The  same family you didn't want to see, right?" 

"Not  again!" Ifes exclaimed under her breath. 

"Don't  worry. I was only pulling your legs. I understand."

At the end of the previous session, Mandy had asked Ifes to come with her to Texas to spend the break. 

"No! I insist, you are coming with me." Mandy had protested when Ifes politely declined her offer. 

"Please, Mandy!" 

"Why exactly would you not come with me? Is it because...?" 

"No, no, Mandy, you know I barely have enough to sustain me, that is why I need to work and this won't be possible if I come with you to Texas. In our freshman year, I intentionally didn't take a job because I needed to get my educational ground first, and now that is achieved, I have to move on to other things if I will continue to sustain my stay in the US."

"So, money's the problem here, right?" 

Before Ifes could open her mouth to give an explanatory answer, Mandy continued.

"We don't have any financial problems in my family. Why don't you come with me? I already told my dad about you and he likes you. I don't think he would have any problems footing your bills." 

It was a nice and tempting offer, but that was the last thing Ifes was going to do in her life—depending on others for financial support when she could work it out herself. She wasn't a beggar. She didn't come to the US to depend on her roommate or take advantage of her  financial buoyancy. 

She stifled a slight exasperation. "The last thing I want to do is to be a burden to you and your family." 

"And  who says you are? Ain't I the one making the offer?" 

Does it matter who was really making the offer? Both ladies protested before Mandy finally understood and resigned. 

"I'll miss you," Mandy said as Ifes saw her off to the airport on the day of her departure to Texas. 

"I'll miss you, too." 

"The truth is, we'll miss each other, and every time, you act like I haven't been a special roommate." 

Ifes beamed. "You better get going before you miss your flight." 

"I'm just meeting you in this college for the first time in my life, but it's been like I've known you forever." Mandy held one of Ifesinachi's hands in two of her squeezing gently. "I don't really know how much I know about you. But one thing I know is, I feel this inexplicable peace when I'm around you." 

Ifes wanted to tell her, 'Is it not written in the book of John 14:27. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.' These were the words of Jesus and Ifes wanted to share it with Mandy. But somehow, she didn't find the courage to say it. 

Ifesinachi's phone chimed, driving her from her thoughts. Tapping the answer button, she placed it on her left ear. "Hello, Mandy." 

"Hello, pretty one!" Mandy's voice echoed through Ifesinachi's phone speaker. "My friends and I just arrived in Pennsylvania. We are on our way to school as we speak." 

"Good to hear that. I'll be expecting you," Ifes said and disconnected the call.

Few minutes later, Ifes heard a single knock and the muffled creak of the door as Mandy sauntered in and slammed the door behind her. 

The Link To Light, (Published).Where stories live. Discover now