Oops, I Did It Again

Start from the beginning

I let out a low groan. "Why are we doing this, again?"

Elrohir laughed. "She is right, Neneth. Ada wants to thank you for what you have done for our family, and show you off to some of the other Lords while doing it so I suggest you deal with it."

I crossed my arms. "I don't want to be forced into these political games of your father's."

He walked over and held out his arm. "These are things you will need to get used to, Miss Champion of the Valar." Gerda took a step back so Elrohir could take my arm as an escort. "With a title like that, you will no doubt be the center of attention wherever you go. At least here you are among friends."

I gulped. "I never asked for this."

Arwen glided over to her brother, taking his other arm delicately. "None of us asked for this, Persie," she spoke as we started to walk to the large dining hall where Gerda told me the feast would take place.

"It is something we were born into, and have to bear, just as you do," Elrohir finished, looking down at me with understanding in his eyes. "No one here expects you to be perfect and know what to do right away, even Ada knows it comes with time."

Arwen giggled quietly. "If he had higher expectations for you, surely you would have heard something when you opened your mouth to Lord Macalster and his daughter, Lady Mirwen."

I shuddered. "They deserved it."

Elrohir shrugged. "You will one day learn to grin and ignore them. They have little say in political matters in this land and try to make up for it by talking loud and starting mischief within the council."

I took a deep breath, ignoring the rage that started to seep into my veins from just thinking of the disrespect Mirwen has shown my friends, and from what she has said about me. I knew better than to let my anger out, but for some reason, she brought the worst out of me.

"It is okay to be upset," Arwen told me. "But you must learn to control it, and show them that they have not crawled underneath your skin."

I nodded. "I will do my best."

For the rest of the walk to the halls, the three of us followed by Gerda and the guards walked in silence. I knew for Arwen and Elrohir this was just another evening, but for me, this was not something I have ever done before. Sure, at Camp we had our massive parties and celebrations but this was way more formal than a council meeting or a bonfire bash.

For the first time in a long time, I was truly nervous.

As soon as we got there, I was pleasantly surprised to see Elladan sitting in a wheelchair and waiting for us with a large smile. He was still paler than normal, but it was nice to see the twinkle in his eye. "It's nice to see you," I told him, slipping out of Elrohir's grip and grabbing onto his brother's hand in joy. "Last time I saw you, you were in a lot worse shape."

Elrond made his appearance, swiftly making his way behind his son and placing a hand on his shoulder. "He has you to thank for his safety, Lady Persephone. I am glad you are here, or else I would have lost a son, and my children a brother."

I didn't need to look behind me to know Elrohir and Arwen had stiffened at their father's words. "I am glad to be of your service, to you and your family."

A pleasant smile came upon the Lord's face. "It is an honor to have you with us this eve, and to show you my thanks, this feast is in honor of you, my dear."

I couldn't help but smile at the fatherly tone of the Elf Lord. It was nice to feel the comfort of a father again. "I appreciate this gesture, Lord Elrond, but-"

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