Chapter 16

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After lunch, as Rachel, Quinn, Santana, and Brittany walked down the hallway all eyes were on them. 

"Um why is everyone staring at us?" Quinn quietly asks Rachel. 

"It probably has something to do with you wearing a cheerleading uniform and Kitty not wearing one." Rachel whispers back. 

"Sand they best be keepin' their eyes to themselves or Imma go Lima Heights on their dumbasses." Santana exclaims loudly while glaring at a baby Cheerio who was looking at Quinn. Everyone in the hallway looked away not wanting to anger the fiery Latina more. 

"So are we still on for tonight?" Rachel asks Quinn with a huge smile. 

"Absolutely, do you think I would pass up a chance to have cuddle time with my beautiful girlfriend?" Quinn asks stopping to bring her tiny starlet in a hug and kissing the tip of her nose. Rachel giggles as she balances on her tippy toes and gives the blonde a loving kiss on the lips. 

"Ugh I am so sick of seeing you two suck face, don't forget practice after school today." Santana says as she grabs Brittany's hand and starts to walk away. 

"Bye my baby unicorn." Brittany says hugging Rachel before walking away with Santana. 

"Um that was weird." Quinn says watching Brittany and Santana walk away. 

"Yeah well that's Brittany." Rachel says smiling. 

"So what are you going to do while I'm at practice?" Quinn asks as she grabs Rachel's hand and they continue their way down the hall. 

"Oh you know just some research." Rachel says nervously. 

"What kind of research?"Quinn asks curiously. 

"Um I've actually been looking for my birth mother." Rachel explains. 

"Oh and how is that coming along?" Quinn asks. 

"I have someone in mind but I'm not sure yet. It was a closed adoption, so even if she wanted to find me she would have to wait until I'm eighteen." Rachel explains sadly. 

"You only have what four months until your birthday?" Quinn asks as they stop outside their next class. 

"Yes but I would like to know before I'm a legal adult. I'm afraid if I find her after I'm eighteen she won't want me." Rachel says sadly. 

"She would be stupid if she didn't want to be a part of your life." Quinn says kissing the top of the brunettes head. 

"Have you found anything yet?" the blonde asks. 

"No. I've found a couple of possibilities but they were all dead ends. It's so frustrating!" Rachel exclaims. 

"I'll help you look for your mom but first we need to go to class." Quinn says as the bell rings. 

                                                              *                     *                   *

"Sue Sylvester is the devil!" Quinn exclaims as she sinks into the passenger seat of Rachel's blue Prius after three hours of cheer practice. 

"That bad huh?" Rachel questions chuckling. 

"Yes that bad! I'm a flier do you know how many times they dropped me because I'm a little taller than Kitty?" Quinn asks flustered. 

"I only saw five but I've only been watching for an hour." Rachel answers cringing as she thinks of all the times she watched her girlfriend fall in different positions. 

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