Chapter 15

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Kitty was walking to her next class with her friends when she hears the shrill voice of Coach Sylvester.

"Barbie my office. NOW!"

She walked into Coach Sylvester's office; the smile she was sporting quickly vanished from her face when she saw who were taking up three chairs, Santana, Rachel, and Quinn. Quinn no longer had on the slushy stained clothes but a freshly ironed Cheerios' uniform.

"What the hell is going on? Why is she in a uniform?" Kitty asks in a panicked voice.

"Can I tell her Coach? Please?" Santana begged. The coach just nodded her consent.

"You see demon bitch from hell, when you slushied Q here you were bulling, you of all people should know the Cheerios' have a zero tolerance for bullies. So you are now off the squad for good. That means all four years. Now with that said, tomorrow morning you are to turn in your Cheerios gear including pom poms, duffel bag, water bottle, shorts, shirts, sweat pants, and last but not least your uniform. You see when you went after the Cheer Captains best friend you royally fucked up. There is only one head bitch and that is me." Sue cleared her throat. "And Coach. Sorry. Q here is taking your spot on the squad." Santana finished with a smile. Kitty looked at Quinn.

"This isn't over. I will make your life a living hell!" Kitty exclaimed.

"No you won't." Quinn said standing up to face the shorter blonde.

"Do you want to know why?" the taller blonde asked stepping in front of Kitty. "Because I've already been through hell. My dad left before I was born, my mom only cared about her job. You know I was only eight the first time she had to go away on a business trip? Most eight year olds are busy playing with friends and spending time with their parents. But me, I didn't know how long I would be alone, because I didn't have any friends. I was the overweight weird kid that no one liked. The eating disorder started when I was nine because everyone teased me about my weight. I hated myself so much, I mean if everyone else hated me how was I supposed to love myself?" Quinn asked as the tears rolled down her face.

"When a girl in my grade told me I should kill myself I didn't know why I hadn't thought about it sooner. That is the night I started cutting, when I cut it felt like all my problems poured out of me with the blood. One day the bulling really got to me so I went to my bathroom and started cutting. One cut for every name they called me. When I got to the twenty-third cut I cut deeper than I meant to. I tried yelling for my mom but she couldn't hear me, she was almost too late, how do you think a mother feels when they find their teenage daughter in a puddle of her own blood? It was people like you who made me almost kill myself. You say you are going to make my life a living hell, but after what I told you do you see that I've already been through it all?" Quinn asked in a low voice.

Kitty wipes the tears from her face and looks at everyone in the room. Quinn is still looking at her with tears streaking her face. Rachel was sobbing into her hands while Santana held her and whispered that it would all be okay and Quinn would never revert back to her old ways. Santana herself was crying. Kitty looked to her ex-coach and even the Great Sue Sylvester had tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" Kitty sobbed as she crashed her body into Quinn's.

"I'm so so so so sorry. I'm such a horrible person." She sobbed into Quinn's chest.

"You're not a bad person Kitty; you just need to stop bulling people. You would be much more popular if people were your friends instead of being afraid of you." Quinn told Kitty as she stepped away.

"I'll make a deal with you Barbie. If you can clean up your act and if I don't have any more complaints about you, I will let you try out next year. You have a bad attitude, but you are a damn good cheerleader." Sue says looking at Kitty.

"Yes coach, I'll try my best." Kitty says wiping her eyes.

"Good now get the hell out of my office!" Sue exclaims

The four girls didn't waste any time in leaving the office. When the girls made it in the hall kitty turned around to look at the three girls behind her. What she saw broke her icy heart. Quinn was on one side of Rachel trying to calm her down after Quinn bringing up her awful past. She could tell Quinn really loved Rachel; it was the way she looked at the tiny diva, like she was the only thing in the world that mattered. Kitty knew if it wasn't for Rachel, Quinn probably would have killed herself after what she did to her earlier that day. Rachel was her rock, her soul mate. On the other side of Rachel, trying to discreetly wipe the tears from her eyes and calm the tiny diva down was Santana. Kitty had never seen the Latina care about anyone but Brittany. It was weird. Kitty cleared her throat to get the attention of the three girls in front of her.

"I'm um really sorry about all the trouble I've caused. I hope we can get through this and become friends?" she asked, looking at the three broken girls in front of her.

"Maybe, but first you are going to have to earn our trust." Rachel stated shooting Kitty an icy glare.

"That's fair. I truly am sorry, I shouldn't have pushed Quinn the way I did. I knew about some of her past, I just didn't know it was that bad." Kitty said nervously.

"I can't believe you did that to her even though you knew about her past. You're lucky I didn't rip you're fucking head off. If you ever do anything to her again not even Coach Beiste will be able to pry me off of you." Rachel exclaimed angrily, inching towards Kitty with every word. Quinn and Santana quickly grabbed an arm so the tiny brunette wouldn't try to hit the short blonde.

"I think you should go to class, I don't know if Q and I are strong enough to keep Small Fry from bashing your face in." Santana said holding Rachel tighter.

"Okay, um I guess I'll see you guys around... I'm um really sorry... for what I did to you Quinn." Kitty said as she awkwardly started to walk away.

"Hey are you okay Lil Bit?" Quinn asked the shorter brunette who was trembling.

"Yeah, I'm just extremely pissed off." Rachel said trying to calm herself down. She knows Kitty apologized and feels bad about what she did, but she couldn't help wanting to beat the shit out of the bitch who hurt her girlfriend.

"It's okay babe. I'm okay; I don't even have the urge to cut. You make me a stronger person. When I'm with you I feel like nothing can break me. I love you with all of my heart Rachel Barbara Berry." Quinn said bringing Rachel in for a hug and holding her until she stopped trembling.

"Yeah I'll just leave you guys alone. Q if Kitty or anyone else for that matter, give you any shit don't hesitate to call me. I'm here for you. Same goes for you Half Pint." Santana says hugging both girls before walking to her class.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Rachel asks looking deep into hazel eyes.

"I'm positive Hun. We will get through this like we've gotten through everything else. Together." Quinn says bringing Rachel in for a quick kiss, which Rachel tries to deepen. Quinn chuckles and pulls back to look into Rachel's beautiful brown eyes. She doesn't get a chance to look at her girlfriend before Rachel attacks Quinn's neck with kisses and love bites.

"Hmmm, what are you doing?" the blonde asks trying to gain control, but is losing the battle with every kiss and nip of teeth to her neck.

"You look so hot in your cheerleading uniform, I just can't help myself." Rachel says in between kisses and bites.

"Well as much as I love what you are doing with your mouth, we are in the middle of school and class will be letting out soon. Why don't you come over to my house after school and we can gets our cuddles on while we watch a movie." Quinn says trying to get her brain functioning again.

"You've been spending too much time with Santana; you're starting to talk like her." Rachel says chuckling as she kisses Quinn one last time on the lips. "But that sounds fantastic." Quinn laughs as the lunch bell rings.

"Come on woman I needs to gets my eats on." The blonde says smiling.

"Oh Lord help me." Rachel says laughing as she grabs Quinn's hand and dragging her to the lunchroom, both of them smiling.

I hope you guys like this chapter, I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to update writers block has been a bitch. I currently have no clue where this story is going to go from here. I might just end it here unless I get some ideas so feel free to comment your ideas. Thanks :)

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