Chapter 6

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Later that day as Rachel and I were walking down the hall people gave us dirty looks. We were about to turn the corner to our next class when I felt an icy burst and tasted grape.

I heard Rachel gasp and what sounded like someone being thrown against a locker. I wiped the grape ice out of my eyes to see Santana pinning a cheerleader against a locker by her throat.

"Okay Mouse Face you see these two people?" Santana asked pointing to us. The girl tried to nod but couldn't with Santana's forearm against her throat.

"Well they are my friends and if you ever do anything to either of them again I will make your life a living hell. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am." The girl said. As she ran away Santana turned to me.

"Are you okay Q?" she asked looking concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, but damn this shit burns!" I said blinking and trying to get as much if the corn syrup out of my eyes as I could.

"Santana can you take her to the restroom while I get her a shirt please." Rachel asked.

"Yeah no problem." she said leading me to the closest restroom.

A couple minutes later Rachel came in as I was filling the sink up to wash my face.

"Hey babe are you okay?" she asked hugging me from behind.

"Yeah I'm fine babe." I said as I turned around and kissed her on the lips.

"Yum grape." she said smiling.

"Ew get a room!" Santana exclaimed. I smiled at her before I turned around and started washing my face.

"Well I have to get to class B is probably wondering where I am." Santana said walking to the door.

"Thanks for everything." I said with a smile.

"Any time Q, see ya Rach." she said as she walked out of the restroom.

I started to unbutton my shirt to change it when I saw Rachel's huge eyes. I smirked to myself as I took my time unbuttoning it. Rachel licked her lips as I took off my shirt reveling my tank.

"You are a tease." Rachel said with a pout.

"But you love me." I said smiling.

"Yes I do love you beautiful." she said walking to me.

"No you my dear are the beautiful one." I said as I bent down and kissed her.

I put my hands on her hips and snuggled her close to me. She still smelled like fresh strawberries, my favorite scent. We both leaned away to breath staring into each others eyes.

"Well that was intense." I whispered.

"Yeah I agree." she said trying to compose herself.

"Um if you don't want this to go any further I suggest you put a shirt on right now." Rachel said panting. I smirked and took a step closer licking my lips.

"I'm serious Quinn." she whispered backing up into the wall.

"Or what?" I asked in a husky voice as I captured her mouth in a passionate kiss.

I broke the kiss and peppered her neck with kisses. I looked into the almost black eyes I loved so much and gave her a kiss before I turned around and put the new shirt on. I looked at Rachel, she was standing against the wall with her eyes closed.

"You okay babe?" I asked concerned.

"Yes I'm fine just give me a minute." she said through clenched teeth. I walked over to her and put my hands on her hips. Her eyes shot open with a gasp.

"Are you sure your okay?" I asked.

"Yes its just I've never felt like that before." she said looking at me with admiration.

"Oh babe I'm sorry." I said with empathy.

"No its a good thing. I love feeling like that." she said as she kissed me. We heard the bell ring and we both groaned.

"Looks like we better get to class." I said as I put my soiled shirt into a plastic bag.

"Do we have to?" she whined as she hugged me from behind.

"Yes babe we have to. Come on its the last class of the day. I'm all yours after school." I said with a grin. Rachel's face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Promise?" she asked with a devilish grin.

"Promise." I said as I turned around and gave the love of my life a quick kiss.

"Ugh I hate school." Rachel said impatiently.

"You will be fine dear. There is only an hour and a half left then I'm all yours." I said as I took her hand and walked to our last class.

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