Chapter 3

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It turns out Rachel and I have every class together. Our favorite class was of course Glee Club. This week we are doing duets. There are more girls than boys so I got paired up with Rachel.

"I think we should do Mine by Taylor Swift." Rachel said.

"Won't they look at us funny?" I asked.

"To them it will just be an assignment but it will mean something to us." she said.

So we turned Mine into a duet and sang it in front of the class. When we were done the class was just looking at us.

"Lesbos." Puck said.

Rachel started to lunge but I caught her.

"Yeah, are you jealous that I get more pussy than you?" I replied. The class burst into laughter. Puck got up and stood nose to nose with me.

"No one has ever talked to Puckzilla like that before. Nice one." he said as he shook my hand.

"Um thanks?" I asked quizzically.

"Okay everyone take a seat. Its Santana and Brittanys turn." Mr. Schue said. They sang Give Your Heart A Break by Demi Lovato.

After class when everyone was leaving I looked at Rachel and asked her "Why didn't Puck call them Lesbos?" She looked at nme and gave me a huge grin.

"Because for one Santana would have kicked his ass, and two they are lesbians they have been dating for almost two years." she explained with a grin.

"Oh. Well don't they get bullied?" I asked curious.

"Have you seen Santana? She is bitchzilla no no messes with her." she said as she put her books in her locker.

"What about Glee Club, don't they make fun of them?" I asked putting my books into my locker.

"No that is the one place everyone can be themselves without being afraid of being bullied." she said as we walked into the lunch room.

"Then why haven't you came out to them yet?" I asked as we got in line.

"Because before I met you I denied it telling myself it was just a phase " she said as she filled her tray with food while mine stayed empty.

"Do you still think its a phase?" I asked as we sat down.

"Honestly, no." she said.

"We have known each other for a week, but it feels like we've known each other our whole lives." I said watching her eat wondering where it all goes.

"If I look at a pizza I gain about 50 pounds let alone a slice of pizza, Mac n cheese, cottage cheese, an apple, and a diet coke." I thought to myself. Its been about a week since I've eaten anything so I'm past the hunger pangs.

"Quinn!" Rachel all but yelled.

"What. I'm sorry I haven't been sleeping well." I said only half lying.

"I said why aren't you eating anything?" she asked.

"I haven't had much of an appetite." I said looking at my empty tray.

"Your not starving yourself because Bitchzilla called you fat are you? You are so not fat what are you 120-130?" she asked looking me up and down.

"Yeah around there." I said looking at my tray. I'm really 140 but I look bigger because of these damn boobs. I'm a double D for crying out loud! I looked up at Rachel and the bell rang.

"We will contenue this discussion at home." she said as we put our trays up and went to our next class.

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