Chapter 21

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Sorry for the delay but I hope you enjoy this chapter :D

Fifteen minutes later Quinn and Rachel were in an exam room waiting for the OB/GYN to come in so they could find out the sex of their baby.

“What do you think we’re going to have?” Quinn asks nervously playing with Rachel’s fingers.

“I’m not sure.” Rachel says just as nervous.

“What do you want? A girl or a boy?” Quinn asks.

“I don’t care as long as he or she is healthy.” Rachel replies.

“Good answer, we shall soon find out. How are you feeling today Rachel?” Dr. Fisher asks entering the room.

“I’m feeling okay just hungry even though I ate before I left the house.” Rachel answers.

“I see any weird cravings yet?” Dr. Fisher asks washing her hands.

“No not really.” Rachel says as Quinn scoffs.

“Last night she made me make her a sandwich made from banana, peanut butter, olives, honey, pickles, and hot sauce. You don’t call that weird?” Quinn asks Rachel as she lays back and exposes her rapidly growing belly.

“No I don’t think it’s weird I like all of those foods.” Rachel says.

“But together? I had a hard enough time making it let alone eating it.” Quinn says disgusted

“I can’t help what the baby wants.” Rachel says.

“Okay this is going to be a little cold.” Dr. Fisher says as she applies the cold gel to Rachel’s stomach.

“It seems the baby is at a normal weight and length. Would you like to know what you’re having?” Dr. Fisher asks.

“Yes please.” Rachel says holding Quinn’s hand.

“Congratulations you are having a….”

                           *      *      *

“So who is coming tonight?” Quinn asks as they pull out of the hospital parking lot to go home.

“Dad, daddy, Judy, Carole, Finn and I think that’s all.” Rachel says staring at the ultrasound in her hand.

“Okay. I can’t wait to see every ones faces when we reveal what we’re having.” Quinn says chuckling.

“It will be quite comical.” Rachel says putting the ultrasound in her purse so no one will see it before it was time. Quinn pulls into Rachel’s driveway and they make their way into the house.

“There are my girls! How did the appointment go? What are we having?” Hiram asks as soon as the front door was shut.

“It went well and I’m not telling you. You have to wait just like everyone else.” Rachel says hugging her daddy.

“You can’t blame a dad for trying.” He says laughing.

“Do you have all the ingredients for dinner?” Rachel asks walking to the kitchen.

“Yes we have everything we need. What we need right now is for you to lie down until it’s ready.” LeRoy says backing his daughter out of the kitchen.


“No buts off to bed. Quinn make sure she lies down please.” LeRoy says looking at Quinn.

Behind These Scars (a Faberry fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora