Chapter 5

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Its been a whole week since the night I told Rachel about my problems. Its also been a whole week since I've puked or starved myself. Rachel has made sure I have been eating three meals a day and a couple snacks in between.

Mom had to go to Denver again so I'm staying with Rachel again.Today is a big day for us. We're coming out to the Glee Club. Well here goes nothing.

Rachel and I walk into the Glee Club and take our seats. When Mr. Schue is talking about our assignment for this week Rachel raises her hand.

"Yes, Rachel." Mr. Schue says sounding a bit annoyed.

"Quinn and I have something to tell everyone." she says as she stands up and walks over to Mr. Schue. I get up and stand beside her.

"Quinn and I are dating. We have been for a week." Rachel says in a rush, her face turning red.

The whole room was staring at us. I looked at Rachel and she looked like she was about to start crying, so I took her hand. She looked at me with startled look on her face but smiled at me.

"Well no shit, we're not stupid Man Hands." Santana said.

I took a step towards her but felt a hand grab my shirt. I looked back and saw Rachel's pleading eyes.

"Don't." she said. That one word stopped me in my tracks.

"You wouldn't have went all Xena Warrior Princess on me when I called her fat if you didn't care about her. I would have done the same for B." Santana said taking Brittanys hand in hers.

"I knew you were Lesbos." Puck announced. I took a step closer to him furiously.

"Woah calm down Killer. I was kidding." he said taking a step back with his hands in the air.

"Did you know dolphins are just gay sharks." said Brittany with a straight face. The whole class looked at her.

"No we didn't know that Britt." I said giving Rachel a puzzled look. She shrugged her shoulders at me and looked at the rest of the class.

Puck looked like he was undressing Rachel and I with his eyes, so I stepped in front of her and gave him a dirty look. He quickly looked away.

I looked at Finn and he was looking at us but quickly looked away mumbling "mailman!" for some reason. A few seconds later he ran out of class with his books in front of him. Kurt and Mercedes were talking about a shopping trip after school.

"Okay thank you girls for that big announcement. We support you both 100%. This is one place everyone can be themselves." Mr. Schue said as he gave us both a big hug. We sat next to each other in the back of the room.

"Well that was easier than I thought." Rachel said as she took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"Yeah it was." I said smiling at her.

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