Chapter 12

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Rachels POV 

I pulled Quinn down with me as I lay down on my side wrapping my arms around her. I buried my face in her hair and inhaled her coconut shampoo and smiled to myself. Quinn trusted me enough to reveal the darkest part of her life. I just hope I can help her get through this, I don't know what I would do if I were to lose her. 

Its funny before I met Quinn and I would think about where I would be in ten years I saw myself the star of a Broadway musical, and the winner of at least five Tonys. I have never once thought of being with anyone, I was too dedicated to my work to be in a relationship. Until now.  

Now I see Quinn and I together, Quinn graduating from NYU with a major in photography. I would be graduating from Julliard for singing and dancing. I would get a job teaching a children's dance class. After work I would come home to find Quinn making dinner while I grab a quick shower. We would sit down to a fantastic dinner and talk about our day. After eating I would do the dishes while Quinn sets up our nightly movie. I would cuddle up to her on the couch and watch one of our favorite movies. Then we would go to bed and start all over again. It's not as extravagant as being on Broadway or winning Tonys but it makes me happier. 

I don't know how long I've been thinking about the future but it's been long enough for Quinn to fall asleep. I smile to myself as I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep. 

I jolt awake when I hear an ear piercing scream. I open my eyes and find I'm lying on my back with Quinn's head on my chest, her arm across my stomach, and her thigh between my legs. 

"LUCY QUINN FABRAY! Who the hell is this?" I looked up and an older version of Quinn is staring at me like I was an ant about to be stepped on. 

"Really mom did you have to blow our eardrums?" Quinn asks snuggling more into my side, putting her head in the crook of my neck. 

"Lucy wake the hell up and explain the person you are attached to like a leech." The woman says as she sits down behind Quinn. 

"Mom this is Rachel my girlfriend. Rach this is my mom Judy." 

"Wait a minute Rachel Berry? The same Rachel, that helped my little Quinnie through her eating disorder when no one else could?" Judy asked as tears starting to shine in her eyes. 

"Ugh mom, do you have to use that stupid nickname?" Quinn groaned hiding her face in my hair. 

"Um y-yes ma'am" I answered timidly. 

"Oh Quinnie she is prettier than you described!" Judy exclaimed getting up and walking to the side of the bed I was on. She sat down and grabbed my hand that wasn't around her daughter. 

"Moooooooom please don't do this." Quinn whined finally sitting up. 

"Oh honey I am so sorry I scared you. How did you help her? I've done everything I could think of to help her." Judy asked as the tears she tried to hold back cascaded down her pale cheeks. 

"I didn't really do anything I just told her that I wanted to help her get healthy because I loved her and didn't want to see her hurt herself." I said sitting up and slipping my hand into Quinn's. 

"Has she told you about the other problem she has?" the older blonde asked wiping the tears off her cheeks. 

"Yes mom I told her about my cutting. Actually I told her before we fell asleep." Quinn explained yawning. 

"Yeah that reminds me I want you to gather all your razor blades and we're going to dispose of them accordingly." I tell Quinn trying to meet her eyes. 

"Okay anything for you Lil Bit. I want to get better for you." Quinn says leaning in for a quick kiss. 

"Awe my little Quinnie is growing up so fast. I like you Rachel; you bring the sparkle back into my baby girls' eyes. I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you." Judy says as the rears start to fall again. 

"You've already given me the best thing in my life." I say laying my head on Quinn's shoulder. 

Judy doesn't say anything; she just pulls me in for a bone crushing hug. I hug her back savoring the feel of a mothers hug. I love my dads, but I wish I had a mother. I've thought about trying to search her but every time I ask my dad's about her they just shrug the questions off like I never asked them. Judy pulls back and looks me in the eyes. 

"Oh honey, are you okay? What's wrong?" she asks wiping away the few tears that fell onto my cheeks with her thumbs. 

"Yeah I'm fine." I say looking away. 

"Mom I'm hungry what are we having for dinner?" Quinn asks meeting my eyes knowing I didn't want to talk about what is really wrong. 

"What are you girls in the mood for?" Judy asks us looking at Quinn's bed side clock. 7:00 p.m. 

"Wow did we really sleep three hours?" I ask shocked. 

"I guess so." Quinn said grinning. 

"I know Rachel is a vegan so how about veggie burgers?" Judy asks standing up/ 

"Wait how do you know I'm a vegan?" 

"Quinn has told me probably over a million times. She brings it up every time we talk of the phone just in case you came over for dinner." Judy explained walking to the door. 

"Do you really talk about me that much?" I asked grinning like a fool. 

"I may have mentioned it a couple times." Quinn mumbles trying to hide her beet red face. 

"Awe baby that is so sweet." I say leaning over pressing my lips to hers. I tried to pull away but Quinn wraps her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss. 

"Um yeah I'll just uh go to the store to um get the ingredients for the burgers." Judy said uncomfortably before leaving the room. 

One of Quinn's hands found its way to my hip and the other one was lost in my hair. Quinn laid down pulling me on top of her. My leg somehow made it between her legs with my thigh rubbing against Quinn's center. Quinn moans as I trail kisses down her jaw to her neck. I started sucking on her pulse point eliciting more heavy moans from my girlfriend. Quinn starts rolling her hips trying to create friction. She brings her knee up high enough to come in contact with my center causing me to moan rather loudly. 

"Um babe I think we should stop." I gasp rolling off of Quinn to lie on my side. 

"What's wrong Lil Bit?" Quinn asks rolling on her side facing me trying to catch her breath. 

"Nothing I just got a little carried away." I explained hiding my face in Quinn's pillow inhaling her scent. Yeah that wasn't helping AT ALL. 

"That's okay babe we can take things as slow as you want I'm in no rush." She said kissing my cheek and getting up. 

"What are you doing?" I ask sitting up. 

"I'm doing what you told me, I'm getting all my razorblades so we can dispose of them accordingly." She says smiling. 

"Okay I'll help you." I say getting up. 

Twenty minutes later we have all of Quinn's razorblades in a bag and headed to my back yard. 

"Where are we going?" Quinn asks me looking confused. 

"We're going to bury these in my back yard." I say indicating the bag in my hands. 

"Okay that sounds good." She says taking my hand and entwining our fingers. 

We get to the back yard I walk into the shed to get a shovel. When I picked a spot I hand the shovel to Quinn and take the bag back. When she was done I dropped the bag into the hole and she covered it up. 

"Well that's that. We should get back to my house for dinner. Thank you for doing this for me Lil Bit, I couldn't have done it without you. I never went anywhere without at least one razor on me in case I had the urge to cut. I love you so much baby." She said leaning down giving me a kiss. 

"I love you too baby. Now let's go I'm hungry." I say smiling.

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