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I met Darshan today. After life long yearnings for 2 years, I finally met him. Man, he has grown so much! And he has changed too. As soon as I reached Armenia, I had received a message from Sheena didi. She had explained me how I mistook things, and wronged Darshan. I broke that day. I shattered truly that day. I had been so blind that I couldn't just talk to him. I just couldn't make peace with my mind and brain.

I returned Ahmedabad, just to ensure his presence. I didn't know if we would ever meet or not. But, since I had strong belief on my love, I decided to wait. My wait was finally over. When I first saw him, it was difficult for me to blind the urge to hug him and mutter 'sorry'. And then, another realization hit me. He must have moved on. He must have found someone else in my replacement. And I was right. He had moved on. He said he was getting married to Tara.

I felt suffocated and used. I didn't know if I deserved it or I ruined the beautiful bond we had. 'He hates you now, Aditi', my inner conscience invoked within me. And I think it is true.

I lied to him when I said I was fine. I lied to him when I said that I was here for business purpose. I lied to him when I ran away from him.

But, if I didn't do that, I would have surely broken down amidst 20 odd people most of which don't even know me.

I locked myself in the bedroom. There was no one else in the house, yet, I wanted to be secured within the four walls. I didn't want anyone else's involvement.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I fished it out. "Nitin" , it flashed and then it struck me that I had come back without informing him. Poor boy, he must be so worried.

Within nanoseconds I swiped the green icon and listened closely. "Aditi! Where are you? I was seriously too tensed! Is this a way?", he groaned.

"I am sorry. I had some urgent call so I couldn't inform you", I replied in a calmer tone than I had expected and drew a shaky breath in.

"Hey Adi, Are you crying?", he asked tenderly. He knew how I hated people to know that I was sad.

"No", I replied gravely but I guess that made it clear. A lump formed in my throat and I waited for it to dissolve or else I won't be able to talk anyway.

"I can audibly sense your gloom. You know you can't hide it from me", he justified and I could picturise him smirking at his victory. "Without wasting any time say it to me and you will feel better".

"I met my ex", I blurted half-a-truth.

"Hey, you are joking, right?", he asked and I could imagine him with a significant laugh.

"No?", he again asked and my silence said it all. I could hear him breath out deeply and then he said, "Carry on. I am listening"

I told him everything. true to his words I felt lighter, at least the part of guilt was lightened.

"See Adi, it takes time to get over people. It takes time to fall over and it depends on the person you love. Do they catch you or let you fall? If they let you fall, surely you will get hurt and it takes time for injuries to be healed. All you can do is either love them again or let them go. It is easier said than done, I understand it. But had it been a cakewalk for people to forget their loved ones, deaths could be much easily accepted. We are all prisoners of emotions. Some are tormenting and some are simply heart warming. Some will take you through hell and some will take you through heaven. The point is, either you groom your world or gloom your world. It's up to you what you want to do. It is neither easy to accept people nor to let people go. But one thing is easy. Trying. You can try to un love the loved. You can try to forget the unforgettable. Once there was only one novel of "Romeo and Juliet", today we can wish to have pure love as them but not stories like them, can we? But truth to be told we have millions of 'Romeo and Juliet', we have millions of 'Veer and Zara', we have millions of 'Laila and Majnu' . In short, we have tons of love failures. And it is okay to be failure for from failure one learns to pass, isn't it?", Nitin concluded his lecture and I was just awe struck. Only one question leaped in my mind. How did he say this? Did he by heart it or something?

"Thank you. I genuinely feel lighter now", I replied.

"Thank yous are for distant friends and we are best friends yaar", he whined.

Amidst all these, I didn't say him Darsh's name. All I said was Darsh's personality.

Midst all the chaos, his voice soothed me to a great extent. Truth to be told, where we end, is the only place where we regret being ended.

//Wasn't it an early chapter. And guys do say me what you think about Nitin's thoughts. I had put a lot of effort to come with this conclusion. Thank you//

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