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Hanging up a call, I stood by Sheena didi's cabin. Yup. I was here to pick her up. Merely this was my 2nd day of my stay and this was it. Well... I had never been to her hospital before. I was waiting for her when she came out. But was again engaged in a phone call.

Bored, I decided to take a round through the hospital.

My eyes were roaming on each and every feature of the hospital.

My eyes froze on one particular cabin door.

I looked through the small glass pane to see the figure carefully.

It looked more like her.

But what was she doing here?

My eyes constantly moving on the different machines surrounding her. My mind constantly drinking in the thoughts of questions.

I felt a soft hand squeeze on my shoulder. I instantly turned around.

Netra didi and...... Sheena didi?

I furrowed my brows in a questioning manner.

"What's all this? Why is she here?", questions darted out of my mouth.

"Darshan... We will need to have a long discussion..", Sheena didi assured me.

"I just need my answer..", I replied blankly.

"Darshan... U will get all ur answers.. And please.. If u can... Then please save her... U r the only key to her life...", Netra didi pleaded, tears welling up her eyes... Lips quivering and her body continuously shaking.

I agreed.

We were taken to a cafe nearby.

My mind couldn't bear patience any longer.

Quickly I asked, "What is it?".

"Darshan... I don't know if I should confront u or not.. I don't even know how u will take up the news.. Because it was difficult for me too.", Netra didi said.

"Now ... Please say me..", I pleaded.

But she sobbed quietly.

"She is suffering from liver cirrhosis, A disease that happens mostly due to continuous alcohol and cigarette consumption... She had this problem since she was 19. I had diagnosed her problem. She was treated after that... But now.. She is denying to take up any kind of operation or medication...", Sheena didi replied for her.

My heart sank and dropped. Just like it did when she left me for the first time.

"But why?", I asked with a broken voice.

"Because... She thinks she should end her life... Her life has no value... No one would care for her ... And...", she broke down. This time more harshly.

"And?", I asked curiously.

"And... She loves u.... Since u first met her. But... U love Prakriti..", I cut Sheena didi off and said, "Loved".

"Okay.. U loved Prakriti and Aditi never found her position in ur life... So she decided to simply walk off without uttering a word.... I wish she had the guts to say it long ago... But she never did. I and Prakriti tried our level best to make u realize about her love for you... But she never wanted that... She just... Wanted ur happiness and nothing else.", Netra didi said.

Okay... WHAT?

This is too much information to take in.

"When did u come to know about her condition?", I asked Netra didi.

"In ur engagement ceremony. She had disappeared mysteriously and I thought she must be hiding somewhere and crying.. But.. She was hiding and coughing viciously. I suspiciously went to her and asked what was it... But she shrugged me off. Being the adamant.. I finally saw a tissue paper covered with blood... I asked to her to explain everything and she did. I wanted to let everyone know... But she didn't.. So she held me back.", Netra didi said with the tears ready again to rain which had stopped just a while ago.

Now it was my turn. "Then ... How.. Can.. I.. Save her?", I stammered because I was scared. Scared like hell. "Please Darshan... Love her.. Please... Or at least.. Act like u love her..", Netra didi requested.

I didn't know what to do.. So I gave in to her plan.

I was again led to her cabin. She had her eyes closed in a peaceful manner. Looking like lost child. Painfully... I sat beside her... And took her hands in mine..  They fit perfect! I put a soft kiss on her forehead.

Her eyes jerked open and she jumped up scared causing immense pain to herself.

"Hey.. Careful!", I yelled at her.

"What are u doing here? U don't have any work here.. U can go..", she said harshly.

She wanted to push me away in her worst time.

She was always like this..  She took all the pain herself and whatever left behind was happiness for others.

"This time I ain't!", I said holding her hand.

"U need to.. Prakriti must be waiting for u..", she said.

Foolish girl!

She still thinks that I love Prakrit!

"I love you...", I said to her.

She was surprised and with a small smile she asked, "Practicing to confront her?".

"No.. I really do Love YOU!", I said enforcing the word 'you'.

"Darshan.. U should go... Really.. Ur people must be worried...", there she goes again .

"Don't say me that u don't love me.. I know it... So I am saying what I feel..", I comforted her.

I looked deep in her eyes.

They radiated nothing other than pain and love.

"I won't live...", she said slowly.

"U don't want to live...", I said.

She gulped hard and then said, "I love you too....".

// A proper chapter after a long time, isn't it? And m proud of it! Just kidding... I love ya all... I am grateful for all ur responses!! Thank you so much for reading it so far.. And until next... Ta ta 😃//

Miss Introvert?  [COMPLETED ✔]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora