Chapter 20 "Poker Night"

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Lilith's POV

The moon was within my grasp as I reached out for it. My wings fought against the current, pushing me into the mesopause. The air was still—thin, inadequate for mortal lungs up here. With the frigid temperatures at this altitude, the intraocular fluid in my eyes had turned into icicles. My breath emitted a heavy fog. But there was an odd sense of peace treading high above the clouds as the tips of my fingers turned blue and the stench of the city choked out from my ascent toward the heavens. Even those mortal air crafts passing by appeared to me like tiny grains of sand. I felt completely alone, peering over the inhabitants of Eden. Twas in this silence, my target came to me. Those acts of violence from common street thugs were not coincidental; it was planned as I replayed what they said right before I took over Lilly's body. I wasn't concerned about them for my children were already in hot pursuit. I was looking for something much more sinister.

"Eye of Horus, I seek truth—grant me vision, O knowledgable one," I said, closing my eyes.

Visions guided me like a spirit, gliding among the mortals too keen for their third eye to detect, bringing me to a towering edifice. With a festive music and dancing quite noticeable on the rooftop of this building, the name, Skyline Lounge popped up. My demonic eye clung to a couple, allowing me to get a closer scent. And, once their scent trail was locked in, they'd never be able to escape my clutches.

I smiled, purring under my breath, "Dinner."

I peered in through the looking glass, checking out what's next on the menu. The unique scent trail I had followed led me to this hotel room where a plethora of colors exploded through the windows of a particular floor. I flapped my wings, circling the concrete structure before landing on the rooftop. Those distinct flavors again as I sniffed the air, catching a whiff of something very wicked were too enticing to let go. I had to taste it for myself. These wings were quite cumbersome, preventing me from getting a better view. I'd have to go incognito instead.

"With the devil I dance, fallen from His grace," I whispered.

My wings coiled up, wrapping tightly, clinging to my silhouette like a cape. Less stifling, my movements were more fluid as I needed another spell to hide me from mortal eyes, so I spoke, "O flesh conceal thine self."

I could still see myself, but not those tasty treats waiting for me inside the building. Now, invisible to the mortal eye, I crept closer.


The pungent aroma of cigar and liquor dulled my senses with each step. I had a head rush, pausing just outside the door regaining my composure.

"Organ battle Aura grant thee spiritual passage," I whispered.

My fingers reached passed the confines of the physical realm as I entered the room without even opening the door. Twelve bodies occupied these quarters including one female where the scent was strongest. She was massaging my target's back as he sat there coolly with the top two buttons from his shirt opened for comfort. He shuffled chips in his right hand while knuckle rolling a chip with the other. I could see the liquored vapors emitting from his breath; he had been at it for a few hours now. And, with that pile of chips stacked neatly like buildings peering over his foes, he had lady luck on his side. Perhaps granted by the poker gods, this good fortune had to stop.

"O Heavens malediction. Beseech thee with humility while crying wolves scatter," I whispered under my breath, waving my hand across the table.

A young boy cleaned up the crap accumulated during the game while a heavy set man patrolled the grounds, making me nauseous with his heavy footed movement. No doubt security, he posted closer to the door I had just walked through. But, his ankles were cramping, hence the frequent movement, allowing for the circulation to his lower extremities.

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