Chapter 4 "The Guild"

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My phone went off. I didn't answer.

I know. I know.

But, I just couldn't. I knew Jeze would do her best to console me in this state and may even encourage me to take a trip downtown to meet the boys in blue personally. 

For what, though? 

File rape charges against these two punks? 

Sure, the evidence to convict these assholes was all over my body, stemming from the drugs in my system to two different types of DNA inside me. This just meant more invasive methods, extracting crucial pieces to this intricate jigsaw puzzle with hopes of getting a guilty verdict. But how long would that take, several months—a year? All the while, I'm forced to relive that horrific night over-and-over again. 

I think not—kill me and be done with it because I just didn't have the strength, not to face them two assholes again. 

I'll let these two pieces of shit get away with it, so they could victimize another unsuspecting person. Who know's, they may go too far next time and kill someone; this was all my doing of course. I was the cause for all that was wrong in society because of fear. My fear of being exposed. I was a coward and a whore, who was I fooling?  

Or, maybe I was just being selfish for wanting to keep this atrocious act a secret. Besides, I've kept secrets before. My closet was filled to the brim with little, dark secrets.

After one hour of scrubbing in damn near scorching water, cleansing my soul from all impurities, I was as clean as I was going to get. Oh well, all that evidence was now on a journey through the sewers.

I didn't give a shit. I was sitting on my bed, in my apartment—in the safety of my domain. It's as if it never happened. 

"Nothing happened to you, Lilly," I whispered under my breath. "Nothing."

And, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was embraced by darkness.




I opened my eyes only to see an all too familiar purple haze shrouded over me. I was in Lilith's Lair.

I know why you didn't report those two scumbags to the authorities, Lilly.

"—Lilith?" I shouted, but my sounds muffled by the thick haze, choking me.

You want me to take care of them for you.

"Leave me alone!" I said, gasping for air.

Tsk ... tsk ... tsk ... sweetie. You know what you have to do, Lilly. 

"—NO!" I screamed out, popping out of my stupor, straightening in my bed.

I was in a cold sweat as I glanced over at the clock on the night stand.


I shook my head, rubbing my temples. I gazed out of my window entranced by the moonlight, emitting a soft glow into my room. I was comforted by the early hours. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to drift back into REM.

When I awoke, it was still dark as my gaze trailed the night stand toward my clock. 



I jumped out of bed. My heart raddled with such fury, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I wasn't ready to return to work. Or, was I? My body felt invigorated. Physically, I could return. With everything I had endured for the past couple of days, I just didn't have the stomach to face my boss. I was behind on paperwork. And, his big court day was this week. I stared at my clock then toward the direction of my bathroom. 

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