Chapter 13 "First Blood"

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Brattleboro, Southern Vermont 15 years earlier.

Lilly's POV

A dash of Clorox here and a dash there, splashing the walls and tiled floor until it smelled like a hospital or a swimming pool. Every now and then, I stepped out to catch a whiff of clean air as a dizzy spell set in. My sister was down stairs watching her favorite show, so I capitalized on this moment and ninjad my way, making sure to catch all the cracks and crevices. After I cleaned the bathroom in its entirety, erasing all evidence of my so-called escapade, I returned to my room, checking the time. 



I was away much longer than that; it's as if the time never moved. I clearly remember it being around four when I slit my wrists.

I shook my head. 

Did it really happen?

I lied down, pulling the covers over me. I was wounded and still needed time to heal. At least that's what was on paper according to daddy dearest. Why not continue the charade then?

"Lilly," said a soft voice, entering the room. "I made you something to eat."

Bless her heart. 

I just wanted to hold her at this moment, but I had to keep this game going a little longer. 

Soon, we'll be free, sis.

I smiled, not budging an inch. But once that door closed, I pulled the covers off, diving into that tray of food she left behind. 

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?!

I shook my head, but beggars couldn't be choosers especially when they haven't eaten in three days. The flavors were life as I felt my strength returning to my limbs. 

Bless her heart.

I knew what Sarah was going through, too: shame; confusion; and most of all disdain—but not after tonight. We were going to be free from the beast once and for all. 

As the night revealed a plethora of shadows for my audience, I kept the covers over me like I had done ever since that prick beat the living shit out of me. I had a feeling tonight after his drunken excursion, the beast was going to satisfy his carnal desires. Just who would he choose, though? The child or the incapacitated teenager? I wouldn't put it pass this demented fuck to choose me just so he could kick around some more. 

I smiled. 

Containing these nefarious thoughts became a task in itself, but I had to. I thought slitting my wrists earlier was the happiest moment in my life. I was dead wrong—literally. With my new friends, he was going to wish he never existed just like I once did. The tables have turned. All that was required of me was silence. So, without further delay, I squeezed my eyelids tightly, welcoming the darkness to consume me. 

Voices splashed around as an eerie tension thickened like a million fingers, pressing on my chest. I awoke, glancing at my clock.


Then, I shot my glare in the direction of the voices. The beast was leaning over my sister's bed. 

"No. Please, Daddy," squealed Sarah. "I don't want to."

"C'mon, it'll be fun, sweetie," grunted my father, pulling on the covers.

His breath reeked of liquor with a sour repugnance as remnants of Happy Hour wafted in the air. 

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