•Chapter 29•

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Shots rang out and I knew the guys had entered the property.

'This was a trick.' I shout pulling out my gun making Y/n look away. 'Of course it was! Do you really think it would be this easy?' He chuckled. 'Give me the girl!' I yelled at him coming closer.

'Namjoon told me he didn't know her but it seems like you have more interest in her.' Pointing the gun at him a man yelled at me. 'Put it down or we will shoot the girl.' Staring at him I lowered mine. 'If you hurt her I will make sure you all go to hell.'

The door behind me blew open. 'Back up's here.' Hoseok announced with a smile holding a rifle in his hands.

'Lower the fucking guns or you'll die!' He sneakers.

Jungkook pointed his gun at the leader walking closer. Holding the gun at the back of his head.

'Slide the guns over suckers.' Taehyung orders them.

'You think you can win from me in my own warehouse? We knew you would come.' He said spitting at me. Stepping out of the way I didn't give a response.

Jin carefully untied Y/n. 'Thank you.' Her scared whisper made my blood boil. Rubbing her wrists she looked up at me. 'Come with me.' Jin said taking her shoulder. As she nodded and followed they stood behind me. 'Let's leave.' I said.

The leader smiled at me. Knocking Jungkooks gun out of his hands he punshed his face making him turn to the side. His men took their other gun out and smiled at us.

'I don't think so.' All backing up he pointed the gun at me over to Y/n.

'I'm here fucker.'

A shot rang as Namjoons voice echoed through the warehouse.

The leader's body dropped to the ground. I could hear Y/n squeak in fear. Feeling her weak fingers wrap around my arm I gave her a small smile to make her feel less alone.

Turning back I covered her as everyone started to shoot.

'Get down.' Lowering her head I rushed her to the door.

Seeing Namjoon and Yoongi smile at me as we reached the door he nodded. 'Kill them all.' I whispered to Namjoon in full rage as I passed him, seeing his smirk appear on his face before we left he nodded.

Jin ran out with us to give us cover.

'Get to the car!' He said making me nod.

'I'm so sorry.' I whispered to her. She kept looking at me with tears in her eyes. 'Just keep running we are almost out of here.' Nodding at me she looked at the ground trying not to trip.

'Jimin! Get cover, Jungkooks shot! I'm going back. Both Taehuyng and Yoongi called me, it must be serious.' Y/n looked frightened at me. 'Okay! Call me with an update when things settle down I'm getting her to safety.'

Parting ways I took one look back. The one thing Namjoon always told me was to never look back. But my friends are in danger because of me so I needed to.

'J-Jungkooks hurt?' Y/n asked scared as we reached the car. Opening the door for her I nodded. Getting in myself I started the car before answering.

'He got shot. Jin is going back, he knows how to handle this he has worked as a nurse. Trust him.' As tears streamed over her face I wiped them away carefully.

'Trust me.' I said taking both of her cheeks in between my hands, our face inches apart. My lips curled up for her to ease her anxiety. She looked into my eyes and pulled in her lips, pinched her eyes shut tightly together and nodded.

I never wanted her to see this side of me.

The side that was filled with murder and hate, the anger and lust to hurt because I needed to protect the once I love.

But here we are~

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