•Chapter 24•

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'catch!' I yelled at Bf/n as she stood at the end of the moving van. Ketching the box she walked in.

Jungkooks head peeked around the corner of the van and greeted me short after. 'Hey, everything going okay here?' He asked me as he helped me carry a box out. 'Yeah, I think we will get it all done today.' I smiled at him. As he nodded and we put the box down I looked at my watch.

'Bf/n is upstairs by the way.' I said to jungkook making him awe and nod while he headed up.

I looked at the time again.

I asked Jimin if he would come today but he said he would stop by later.

As time passed and all our boxes were brought upstairs my dad took the truck home.

We were officially moved in.

I heard Jungkook and Bf/n talk in the kitchen as I was unpacking stuff in the living room. Hearing him say a faint goodbye trough the house I said bye too.

Seeing my phone lit up I saw a text from an unknown number.

'Yo, Y/n. This is Taehyung one of Jimins and Jungkooks friends. I'm the one from the club, I wanted to text you to tell Jimin is on his way his battery died so yeah. Bye.'

Giggling a little I send a short 'Okay thanks Taehyung.' And started to unpack more with Bf/n.

'Hey do you mind if I go to Jungkook tonight?' Bf/n smiled up at me. 'No, go ahead! You two will have fun I'm sure of it.' As she smiled brighter she stood up and hugged me farewell.

Short after the doorbell rang.


Rushing to the intercom I open the door to let him in. About five minutes later he knocked on the door. Letting him in I smiled from ear to ear. But- he didn't smile at all.

'Hi.' He said walking past me.

Dropping my smile I closed the door after him. 'Hey.' I said back as I noticed his tense aura while he walked in.

Putting my hand on his back as I joined at his side he didn't look at me.

'How was your day?' He managed to smile at me while he asked. 'Really good, we got everything done. We only have some unpacking left but that doesn't matter. I want to know what's up with you?...' Looking into his eyes I felt his back slouch. 'I had a hard day.' My expression softens in concern, I haven't seen him like this ever before.

He turned to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly but tired at the same time. Holding him in my arms caring full I rubbed his back.

As he pulled back I saw he was tired.

Moving over to the couch we sat down. He sat there staring down at his hands as I lay my hand on his shoulder. 'What's wrong?.... Do you wanna talk about it?' Asking his head slowly lowered onto my shoulder.

'It's just that I can't tell you anything about my work. I want to, but I can't.' Ruffling his hair on the back of his head I felt him calm down a bit. 'It must be hard to keep everything coped up.' He nodded lightly. He felt helpless, not like my normal bubbly Jimin that smiled all the time.

We sat there for hours talking, about life, he said he couldn't share much because of work but I thought nothing of it. He wanted to talk to me about us again another day to see from there on out. But he told me he liked me. I told him the same but he seemed so unsure.

Sitting on the couch with my legs over his I intertwined our fingers and giggled. Making him smile. That pressure smile I hadn't seen in hours.

'What is it?' He asked giggling too. 'You have such cute and tiny hands. I love it.' Fidgeting with his hands I planted a soft tiny peck on top of his palm making him giggle more. 'Well at least my pinky is still bigger then yours.' He looked into my eyes as I compared them. 'Still cute.' I muttered as I caught him stare and smiled at me.

As he left, his head was hanging again. But he gave me a light kiss on my lips as he turned back to say goodbye.

'Call me?' I said silently as he reached for the doorknob. Giggling lightly he nodded. 'I will, see you later Y/n.' Smiling back at him I waved as he closed the door.

Sighing a little I walked to the couch and fell down on it.

Not 5 minutes later I got a panicked text from Bf/n I could barely understand.

'He's B-Bloody~ wha how wtf Y/n!!?'

I frowned. "Did she get her period and forgot to take a tampon with her or what does she mean? What else would be bloody. Maybe she got a nosebleed at Jungkooks house but why would she text me like that then?"

Falling asleep on the couch I got awaken abruptly about 15 minutes later by Bf/n barging in.

Lifting myself up I see her rush in and close the door behind her. She looked a little paranoid as she locked the door.

Pressing her back against the frame she looked scared, panicked just like her text. She was panting.

'What's wrong!?' I shot up as I saw her in this unstable state.

Running up to her I tried to calm her by taking her arms and rub them lightly.

Her eyes darted around the room.

'H-he-' She stuttered. 'Who, Jungkook?' I asked. She nodded fears. 'He was covered I-in B-blood.' My eyes widened as she slowly started to cry.

"That's what she meant!"

'He came into this room with a ripped open blouse, his chest covered with splashes of blood. I-I wanted to surprise him but-' She started to tremble.

'Human blood Y/n.' She grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes as I started to get scared myself.

'Is he okay?' Her big eyes looked at me while she nodded.

'Isn't it just his own blood?' I asked just to be sure. 'No! His hands were covered to and he didn't have any cuts!' I blinked a few times as I thought.

But what she said next made me even more scared.

'T-They are mafia Y/n!'

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