•Chapter 7•

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Walking to my car I stepped in and put on some music.

About a 40-minute drive later I arrived at the cafe. Waiting outside I texted Jimin.

'Hey! I'm here. I'll wait for you outside.'

A few seconds later I got a response. 'Okay thanks! I'll be a little later tho, because of work...' I always come in time so I get a little nervous.

Was he gonna set me up?

'Oh- no problem, we have enough time. 😇'

Waiting and waiting 10 minutes had passed. He still isn't here~

'Y/n!' I hear a voice call out for me. Turning around I see him walk towards me as he smiled. 'Jimin, hi.' I smiled back.

Giving each other a small hug we both avoided each other's eyes. He opens the door for me.

Walking inside we ordered our coffee, my treat, and we took off again.

'Wow, that car looks amazing!' He said as we walked around the corner. 'Oh really?' Taking auto my car keys I opened it.

Snapping his head at me I smiled. 'It's yours?' He said with wide eyes, mouth slightly open. 'Yep. Well, it's my dads but he wants me to drive with it as well.' Giggling I signed him te step in.

'Do you like cars?' I asked him as I started it. He was so amazed I got a delayed answer. 'I do yes. This is amazing~' Opening the roof he looked at me. 'How did he get this?' He asked curiously.

'He is the owner and CEO of the company; monic cars.' I smiled proudly. 'No way! The car dealer that only sells this kind of cars?' 'Yes, way.' I chuckled as he lost it. 'That's so amazing.'

Riding to the park I parked underground.

Walking up I Looked over at Jimin. 'How was your day by the way?' He looked at me as well. 'Pretty good. Got some work done early and I won't have to work tonight so am glad I can sleep for once.' He chuckled making me observer his beautiful features. 'That must be a relief.' I said smiling at him. 'It is.' Slightly he smiled.

'How's school?' He asked as we reached the park. 'Hm good~ it's my last year so I'm doing everything I can not fail but I hardly get a bad grade so I am not worried about it.' Sipping my coffee he nodded at me.

'So you are gonna be an interior architect soon than?' I nodded with a small smile. 'Yeah~' He frowned at me. 'That doesn't sound to hyped.' He looked at me as I brushed through my hair. 'No~ I'm happy but I want to become a writer, I wish I could. But I never get Into a writings master so I'll try publishing my work myself after college.' I smiled at him with a little confident smirk at the end.

'You must be good at it, am sure of it.' He smirked. 'Well, thanks.' He gestured we sat down.

'Enough about me. What do you like to do outside of work?' He looked away.

'I like to sing and dance but mostly I don't have time.' Owing in surprise I turned to him. 'Can I hear something?' He chuckled before he smiled at me.


He sang a small piece to me. It was so beautiful it made me drool a little.

He smiled at me as he finished and saw me looking. 'I have my own work at home with music.' He giggles. 'I would love to hear that someday.' I smiled.

'I was meaning to ask this.' I paused. 'Where are you from Jimin?' I peered into his eyes. 'Busan~ I came here for work. They transferred me and I didn't mind.' I nodded. 'Okay sounds Nice. You live on your own then?' slightly he shook his head. 'No I have a house with two of my closest friends so I am never alone.' He said cutely. 'That's nice to hear. I'm an only child so I hate being alone really.'

He looked at me as I sounded a little bit sad. 'I have a younger brother ~ I love him but I don't see him much so that it's everything too.' He tried to cheer me up.

'Does he look like you?' I giggled. 'Yeah he does actually.' looking at his hands with a smiled I nodded.

'Wanna go get dinner?' He asked me. 'Oh yes!' I said excited.

As he stood up he reached out his hand for me to take.

Taking it with a shy look he smiled. 'Come on I made reservations at Le poul.' I stared at him. 'That's like one of the most expensive restaurants around here!' I explained as he held onto my hand.

'I know.' He chuckles.

Seeing her hair brushing of her shoulder shine in the golden sunset made me smile.

She looked so beautiful tonight. She had curled her hair. Her outfit fitting her perfectly, a Bordeaux red blouse with checkered fitting suit pants that had the same red in it mixed with a brown. She really looks stunning.

She was so small and precious I wanted to hold her.

Then reality hit me. I was still holding her hand. As she saw I noticed she just smiled and leaned a little closer as well.

She didn't mind. I was a little bit relieved but scared at the same time.

Arriving at the restaurant the waiter brought us to our table.

Smiling we sat down, getting the menu.

'So do you have a favorite food?' I asked her before taking a look at her over the card. Lightly she hummed. 'I love cury and pasta carbonara.' Her smile brightened as she saw me peeking over, making me smile as well. 'What about you?'

I thought for a second. 'Barbecue probably, with a lot of meat and ramen.' Seeing her chuckle I put down my card. 'Am I too obvious?' I said in a fake tipped off way making her laugh. 'Kinda yeah.' She kept on laughing as I cracked up as well.

Getting our food we had an amazing dinner as the night sky began to fill with starts that lightened up the sky.

'Wanna get dessert?' Asking her she puffed. 'I would enjoy nothing more than to get dessert but I'm so full.' She pouted.

'We can split? Everything is fine for me.' She lightly smirked and pointed over at me. 'Park Jimin.' She paused and pointed her finger at me a few times before she spoke again. 'You speak my language.' Making me giggle she smiled.

'Do you have an allergy?' She asked me as she was considered what we would be having. 'Nope. I'm also easily pleased when it comes to the dessert so you can order your favorite thing.' She hummed and looked at the card as I leaned on the table. Taking in her beauty as she awed at the suggestions.

'I absolutely love chocolate moelleux, if you feel up to the task?' A cute smile appeared, pushing her cheeks up, making them round. 'I sure am up for a fight.' Smirking she closed the card. 'We are gonna win this battle.' Both laughing again I signed over the waiter.

Leaning back we both sighed. 'I was honored to fight alongside you, Park Jimin.' She joked, closing her eyes in defeat of the moelleux we just finished together. 'You are a great fighter.' I chuckled. She sat back up. 'You aren't that bad yourself.' Sipping her win I smiled.

'This was a lovely evening, Y/n.' She smiled and nodded as she leaned her hand on the table circling her glass. 'It was. I would like to meet up again, if you would like so too?' She slightly blushed.

She was shy but bluntly and confident at the same time. I mean look at her, asking me out again.

Smiling with a little giggle I nodded. 'I'd like it.' Seeing her look away it made me feel confident.

'On another great night.' I said raising my glass. As she took hers we cheered. 'To another great night, together.'

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