Not a true professional

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"No," I groaned. "She died in March."

He nodded. "And judging how old the spirit is, I'll say she died a few years again."

I then spat in responce, "Not at all, she died extremely recently."

"Well what about Feberary, is that a special event to her?" He asked, bringing up the death month again.

"Yeah, we had finally regained our base that month." I answered still glaring harshly at him.

"And June, was there anything in particular on the month?" He asked.

I nodded. "Her brother had pasted away."

And back to the older spirit fuck up he went, "And there was someone else, whome had died a long time ago? Any connection to her in any way?

"Again, her brother had died a long time ago," I responded, and wondered if I could simply run out of here while I still could.

"And there's something about a loved one, a boyfriend or a husband? Anyone here who matches that?" John Edwards questioned.

"Aye, I was her boyfriend." I answered reluctently.

"And she says she didn't get to say goodbye," John mentioned.

I shook my head, "No, she did. I was there when she died."

"But was someone else not there? Someone who loved her a lot?"

"No one I know of." I told him.

He nodded and continued, "And someone by the name of John?"

"I'm John, actually." I set him straight.

"I see, and she wants you to know, that she hopes you do well and that you will find happiness soon." He told me.

I didn't let this man's words sink in. I was a clear sceptic. I saw no way he could speak to spirits. What had happened when Scarab had died was either my mind playing tricks, me going insane, or it was the honest to god real thing (probably not).

"I hope I helped you. And goodbye." He said and left.

I imidiantly turned to Ghsot and hissed, "Dude, what the hell? He's not really any use! He missed most of the information, how the fuck is THAT psyhcic?"

"Do you feel releived?" Ghost asked me.

"NO!!!!!! AND NUMPTY, I SUGGEST YOU NOT BUTT INTO MY BUSINESS!" I shouted and stormed of to my bunk, just to lay there and wait until I die.

I was concealed under the covers, and I heard Gonzalo's spanish accent tell me softly, "I know how you feel, John. I'm just as upset. But please, could you try and be happy? I know you're heart broken, and I'm not forcing anything on you. I just feel you should try and be happy. I know Scarab wouldn't want you to be all cooped up in here, wishing you would die."

I sighed, unlike Ghost, Gonzalo was trying to be sincere. There was only patience and understanding in his tone as he spoke so gently.

"I don't want ot force you to do anything," He went on. "I just feel you should attempt just a little to recover from this lose. And I know it won't be easy, but the first step always is to accept that you've lost someone."

I hadn't taken my head out of the covers. But I felt his hand touch my shoulder in a brotherly way, trying to urge me to follow his advice.

"Please, if you listening to me, John, let me know so that my words aren't lost here." He asked.
I pulled the blankets off my head and looked up at him, not seeing a battle scarred Columbian who had been hard at work to fight of dug dealers. But a brother, a kind hearted, even tempered man, whome only wanted was for others to be happy. A side of him which I hadn't seen since Scarab was in the hospital. He had tried to comfort me when I was so worried about her. And now I saw his pure intentions of only trying to cheer me up. Ghost just wanted business to get done. But eh was actually conserned for me.

I finally told him, "I didn't miss a word. And thanks for understanding. But I'll try to get over it."
He let the corners fo his mouth crack to a light hearted smile as he helped me up out of my bed. And we went to the trails to talk.


A/N Yup a failed psyhcic reading. And guess what? THEY NEVER WORK!!! I believe in ghosts. But not the "bridge" to living and past. That's just .

Yes Gonzalo is shown in a way which Scarab had mainly seen. His more gentle side. He saw Soap's need for understanding. I don't knwo why I didn't have Ghsot be the only who knew how to deal with this, but it just happened this way.

(Current Me Note: I can't believe I found more one shots on my dA page related to this fanfic. Seriously, when I grabbed everything to move here, I skipped these, figuring they were just random MW one shots with no connection to the story. APPARENTLY I WAS WRONG! Seriously though, middle schooler me was a remarkably prolific writer, if nothing else.)

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