Plan B -P79-

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The next morning I woke up to being ushed out with my equipment by Heatstroke. We boardered the helicopter and the only ones left on base this time were a few recruits, Fador, Irina, and one of our Sergeants. Well we trusted that he'd be mature about being incharge.
The door closed and we took off. Our ride was long, but full of talk.
I sat next to Soap, as we listened to Termite and Lefty, yes they are with us unforchanately, have some debate over wheither a girl's breast could be size G.
"Dude there is no freaking why ANYONE'S boobs can be THAT huge!" Lefty disagreed.
"I'm not kidding," Termite told him. "I checked her bra in the morning! I was shocked myself, but it was there!"
"Then she had to have had implants or something! That's not natural!" Lefty retorted.
Me, Heatstroke, Hawk, and Ginger were starting to grow even more annoied and all let out a long and agrivated groan.
"If you don't believe me then ask her!" Termite protested. Then he turned to us girls, "Hey is it possible to have bra size G and be able to fill them without breat implants?"
Ginger rubbed the bridge of her nose, "No, it isn't possible! One's boobs don't grow that big."
Lefty grinned but Termite asked the next girl, sadly that was pour Hawk, "What about you? DO you think a girls boobs could be_"
"No," Hawk interupted. Her answer only made a bigger smile come to Lefty's face.
"Wait, uh what about you? DO you think that they_"
"No, Termite. They can't." Heatstroke was quick to answer. And Lefty's smile only grew wider.
"B-But, uh. Wait, you still didn't answer! Can they?" Termite asked me desperately.
I sighed in even more agrivation. But an idea popped in my head, "Yeah, sure they can. It's called the girls who go sneaking into bathrooms and stuff they bras. Or even use helping bras. That doesn't require implants. Now I suggest you drop it before I toss you into the Atlantic Ocean below."
He slumped in his seat more disapointed in his defeat in the agruement. But Lefty was still smiling from his victory. In fact, he thought that this made him golden boy or something, because he went to the other side of the chopper and sat next to me. Pretty much pushing Soap down the bench in the process.
"Oi Numpty!" Soap barked. "You pick a seat, you keep it! Now get back back to yours!" And sent one of his boots to Lefty's side, causing him to fall on the floor. The Private crawled back to his spot next to Termite, who now grinned at this.
I shook my head and asked Gonzalo, "What else did you find in my head?"
"Pardon?" He looked at me with this fake innocence, but under that was more or less his thoughts probably thinking, 'BUSTED!!!'
"I know you guys used a mind probe. And I know you saw me and Soap after we, er, well you know." I forced myself from blushing. "But what else did you find?"
He sighed and discided not to argue, "Okay yes we did. Mainly we just deleted this triggers which were causing you to snap. Makarov set them up while brainwashing you, so we had to disable it. I swear, we saw nothing else!"
"Yes you did." I grinned.
"How would you know, you were knocked out!" He claimed.
"I still know what's happening up here, in fact, when you did that the memories simply replayed. I just forgot some of them." I told him.
"Okay so we also saw some jumbled up memories from your childhood." He shuddered. "I didn't know how bitchy your mom was, or about those bullies, or about the girl you actidentally killed, or even how nice your dad was."
That sadness which I had held in found it's way back to me. But I kept the tears from coming to my eyes. "Yeah. Anything else?"
"There was one thing that made no sense to me," He paused and soon went on. "It was some memory which didn't envolve you at all. And yet it did, because whoever this crazy scientist doctor guy was, he called the person Alex. But it doesn't fit, I know it doesn't because your arm is still here, and it isn't a gun."
"My dad." I uttered under my breath.
My, well my dad's wrists are bound to an operation table, Makarov sat in a chair, a smug grin on his face. "YOU SON OF BLOODY BITCH!" It was my dad's voice, he was screaming at Makarov with all the profanity he could think of. Not the calm headed man, but that lone soldier he had let fall to the side when I was born.
"Calm down, Alex." A sergant told him and stoved a needle in his arm. "This will only hurt a lot."
My dad struggled again, as if he strength were enough to break past iron restraints. But he was no superman. "People will find out about me! My daughter, she'll find out! She will know what you're doing to me!"
"You're daughter is only fourteen," Makarov reminded. "She thinks you are dead. And I was sure of it." How would he absolutly be sure if I wasn't suspitious, unless he... Ah fuck, if he used a mind probe on me, then I'm triple happy I shot his dick off, put lead through his stomach, and blasted his brains out! "She won't come looking for you."
"Maybe not now! But she will!" My dad twisted around, but couldn't break out.
"You know, it's funny. Since you're faked death, your son, Dillian, had commited suicide." Makarov teased. "Seems you played a big role for them. Too bad you won't remember them."
"I'll never forget my own children!" My dad snapped.
"How, when you won't even remember yourself when I'm through with you." Makarov grinned in a mocking way.
My dad then spat, "Why me then? Why did you choose me?"
"You were the lead of your squad," Makarov stated flatly. "Am I correct?"
My dad sneered, but he sighed, "Yes, that's true."
"And you assisted Leitenant Price and Captain MacMillian's excape during their attempted assassination of Imran Zhekeov?"
"Yeah, but what does this have anything to do with_"
"You have ties to the military. And information I need. So I shot two birds with one stone and chose you." Makarov grinned. "Now shut up so we can continue the operation."
My dad, gave one last struggle to get out while the sergant got his knife ready. I couldn't watch this! I wanted this memory to end. But it kept going.
Right at the veins of his inner elbow, right there, cutting that was all it took to get my dad to scream. But the doctor kept going, and soon cut the lower arm off. And started tying nerves and veins. In came the gun.
I felt sick and shook my head. Gonzalo put a hand on my shoulder, "Are you alright?"
I glanced up at him, "Yeah, yeah. I fine. Just that I had a weird thought."
"Like?" He gestured for me to continue.
"It was that memory you were talking about." I sighed. "The one that's my dad's. Makarov musta' put it in me for some reason."
"Did you see anything else?" He asked me.
"No," I sighed. "I didn't."
'I was sure of it,' Makarov's voice repeated in my mind.
I pushed the dorm room door open and flopped my bag on my bunk. Boarding School all over again. I was fourteen, and it was in mid semester. I kept thinking, about my dad's death. Something didn't add up in my mind. I didn't exactly know what, but something didn't.
I opened my draw and poked through my fathers files, which were kinda being loaned, without city hall truely knowing. hehe. But yeah, it had everything. His death, his everything. But there was something I didn't get. He was perfectly healthy one day, but the next he was dying. I didn't understand, nor truely questioned it at the time. I was young, but now I needed to know. What truely happened to my dad?
Just as I opened the window to get some fresh air, a hand grabbed me and pulled me outside. Someone's fingers wrapped over my mouth and hissed, "If you know what's good for you, you won't scream. Understand?"
I nodded, not seeing how I could argue in a situation like this. The hand fell from my face and this man's face was reveiled. Makarov. Well his hair was darker then the current day, and he was less wrinkled. His blue and green eyes stared at me. He hit me over the head and I fell to the gorund, but I kicked he leg, causing him to fall over next to me.
The terrorist rolled on his side to face me and whipped out an older model of the mind probe, and started to go through my thoughts. WIh in a inute he found what he was looking for and deleting them, along with his visit.
I shook my head, now seeing I was in my room, my homework in front of me along with a pencil in my hand. I didn't think of this much, I didn't remember it at all, and figured I zooned out.
Well, remembering things you don't even know you knew can give you such a headach. Trust me here. But the zone out was long enough for the helicopter ride to go by an hour. Everyone was asleep.
Price had his head back and snored, creepy because it was through his nostrils. I would laugh, but I run the risk of waking everyone up. Soap had leaned his side to the wall next to him, his head head limply dangled on his shoulders.
Lefty and Termite had fallen to the floor, both drooling. Heatstroke ended up with her head on Ghost's shoulder, and Ghost against the wall. Gonzalo had laid himself down and was on his side, his arms crossed under his head. Ginger and Hawk both had their head's rested in their hands, but they were alseep.
"Is anyone awake back there?" I heard Nikolai ask.
Kamarov turned in his seat and glanced around the cabin, "Da, one person."
"No wonder it's quiet back there," Nikolai sighed. "Could you wake them up soon, we'll be at the LZ in thirty minutes."
"You got clearance?" Kamarov asked. What a worry wort.
"Da, we have air space. Secruity doubled since the Russian airiol attack." Nikolai stated flatly.
"So how come they didn't deny? We're Russian." I'm sure his face went to a frown.
"I guess General Brenite had told them we would be coming," Nikolai explained. "At least I can get some needed rest when we land."
"What? You're tired?" Kamarov asked.
"A little, but I'm fine." Nikolai responded.
"You know I could just take over and let you sleep until we get there." Kamarov reminded.
"I know that," Nikolai sighed. "But I can last another half hour of so. I'll be alright." He uttered something in Russian very lowly.
Kamarov took a minute to respond, "If you're so worried, then why not you call?"
"Well, I wonder why," Nikolai huffed. "I still need to pilot this pave low in case you haven't yet forgotten."
Their banter continued in a lower voice, and soon I drifted off to sleep.


A/N: Well now we learned a little of Scarab's dad when he was abducted by Makarov. And a bit of Scarab's past with Makarov's making sure nothign was left to resist. Look how great that turned out!

Well now they are on their way to America! Propare to see the distruction and termoil!

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