Plan B -P87-

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"Scarab!" The voice rang distantly in my ears. Just as I kept dwelling on it, it became clearer. Soap! "Scarab! Wake up!"
I squeezed my eyes shut a little tighter before blinking them open. The room was dimly lit, and Soap was practically shaking me around, desperation writen all over his face.
"Soap, we have to leave! The convoy will meet us up at Victors!" Price told him.
I reached for my gun and got up to a straight sit, headach pelting me. I looked around, Roach had somehow come in, Gonzalo had his armer arm wrapped up with bloody bandages, and Ghost was swearing to the point where I have to cencor for your sake. What the hell did I miss?
"Scarab, come on we have to go!" He puled me up to my feet and we bolted for the back door, and an idea struck my mind.
"Does anyone know how to scale walls? We could flank through that way!"
Some glanced at me oddly before Roach said, "Well I know a little. Sis? Do you?"
"Yeah, I can. Easy." Hawk answered.
"Alright, Scarab, Hawk and Roach, you go by the rooftops. We'll get the convoy to wait." Price said. And on his last words me and the other two bolted up the wall. There wasn't really anyone up here, but our position allowed us to cover them from above.
As I sprinted, just beside me was Hawk; her being a little shorter and lighter added to her advantage of being swift and a great jumper. I was much sturdier, but I was flexible. Roach was just behind us. His brown hair, or the now more of a low cut buzz cut look, was practically on end as the breeze blew it back. My hair was growing to be impractical. Past my shoulders, and I was consitering giving myself a haircut later.
"Where the bloody hell are you guys?" Ghost snapped into the comm.
"We're gonna have to take the alleyways soon, theirs some open space which we can't jump on rooftops." I explained.
"Not you! I mean the convoy of yanks!" He hissed.
"ETA five minutes!" Coronel Marchell told him.
"No good, we'll be long dead then!" Price snapped. "Could you speed up?"
"How many times do I have to tell you? There's some heavy traffic, these round abouts don't help much either!"
"Useless wanker!" Ghost proclaimed over the sound of bullets that drowned the sound in his comm.
I jumped from the roof, there was no way that I could keep running on it, and I hit the ground hard. Roach and Hawk was quick to follow. Just as we were getting close to the others, I could see the utter most danger of the situation. We were practically surrounded!
The screams of civilians echoed in my eardrums, and I could distinctly hear a familiar one, Becka! Looking around I saw her ushering in a bunch of toddlers inside a church. Upon eye contact, we both knew what was needed to be done. Becka closed the door, and I could no longer see her behind the stained glass windows.
Katie and Elijah were nearby. Katie with a bat up and prepared to knock teeth, and Elijah with a metal chair which he was using like a lion tamer. Neither were protected for bullets.
I was getting so close, but now we could run on the roofs again for a good stretch, we took our chances on the high ground. My weight all worked to my advantage as I bound forward on my legs to teh next roof, Hawk next and after her was Roach. Then I then froze, as I saw a sight I never wanted to see. A bullet got Soap, he fell to the pavement, but he wasn't dead, but his blood was being spilled all on the icey sidewalk. I lundged down and grew my gun on the men in hot procute.

My leg was burning, and I gripped it protectively. Then right in front of me, Scarab had landed evenly on her feet and started to fire on the men who were shooting at me. I took the oppritunity to get the wound covered for now. I used my jacket. Not that I didn't notice the icey chill that roared up my spine.
Scarab turned on her heels and grabbed the back of my vest, dragging me towards the convoy that finally arrived. Where were they a while ago? I whipped out my M1911 and started to shoot at the approaching Russians. But my vision being hazy and crossing didn't help my accuracy.
"Hang in there, Soap!" Scarab yelped. It wasn't like her to call me by my nickname. I didn't even think she knew, consitering she was somewhere lord knows where when I was busting Price out of the Gulag. Well then again, she could've just heard Price say it a few times and put two and two together.
Another pair of hands pulled me up and into a jeep, the driver swerved around and got us moving back towards the base. All while Ghost was trying to check my leg; which I was being really protective over.
"Ghost, stop it," I barked as he tried to pull a pant leg up so he could see the bleeding lower leg better.
"Sir, just let me see." Ghost told me.
I shook my head and pulled my painfilled leg away from him.
With a littel thought Ghost sighed, "Do I need to dope you up on morphine or something?"
Well my leg was killing me, and I wondered if I should just except it. Ghost took my silence as a yes and stuck a needle in my arm. Where a soon felt drowsy and grew at ease.
"Bloody hell, they got you good, sir." Ghost sighed as he looked for some bandages to cover it for now.
"We have some medics at the base," Coronel Marchell reminded. "Your Captain will be fine."
We all grew at easy for a long moment.

My breath heavy in my lungs, and somehow I fell lightheaded. But I didn't truely seem to care about anything other than Soap's leg injury and the fact he was squirting blood like a gardenhose.
"Scarab? Are you alright?" Heatstroke asked me. "You look paler than usual."
Right then, I heaved her words, then the pain begun to strike my shoulder. With a shakey hand I touch the thobbing area, praying I wouldn't see....
My lood stained my hands from where I touched it. Heatstroke saw this, and her pain rose. "Oh my god!"
This caught everyone's attention. My thoat was starting to clog up in a lump and tried to keep my hand on the wound, hoping it would stop the bleeding. But after a long five minutes my own will to stay up failed me and I let my head fall back.


A/N: Yup more action. And this proves that Scarab has some talent that she gained from the gymnastics as a kid.

Oh my god, heres a count of who was hurt in this chapter.
-Gonzalo. (Shot in the upper arm)
-Soap (Shot in the leg)
-Scarab (Shot in the shoulder)
Damn I cause pain to all my characters. Except for Heatstroke. Althought she would have been dead a long time ago.

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