34. Slight Hindrance

Start from the beginning

"Ask away!" Weq

"Can you turn off the power down here in the next few seconds or so?" Lita

"The power? Why yes! It is quite easily doable." Weq

"Please do." Lita

The men in white gets closer and closer until they are just centimeters away ftom the table. Just before they get around the table the men in white are surprised by the sudden black out.

"Thank you Professor.~" Lita

Professor Weq pulls up a screen on the console he is at to see that the entire 1st floor is indeed dark. The next thing Weq sees are sparks fly all around the room from the multiple gun shots. It goes on for a short while until everything gets silent.

".... Um... Hello? Are you there Doctor Lita?" Weq

"Hm? Oh yeah. You can turn on the lights now Professor Weq." Lita

Weq pushes a button on the same console and the power is restored to the 1st floor. The sight that Weq beholds stuns him for a brief moment. A large amount of the men in white that stormed the facility are lying on the ground in a pool of their own blood full of bullet holes and large stab wounds.

"Oh my! And here I thought you were just a regular doctor!" Weq

"Nah. Military doctors are much better. I can prove that to you once everything settles down." Lita

"Oh... Um... Hm?" Weq

Weq heard something that takes his attention away.

"Um doctor Lita? We have a problem." Weq

"What is it?" Lita

"A hand full of those goons are coming up in the elevator! What should we do?" Weq

Professor Weq glances back over to the 1st floor screen and isn't able to locate doctor Lita.

"Hm? Doctor Lita?" Weq

Moments later the elevator arrives and 5 men in white pour out. The moment they notice Professor Weq they immediately take aim and begins to fire after him. Weq ducks his head low as he runs into the next room.

"What do you want?!! What need is there for you to have to kill innocent lives?!!" Weq

They do not respond and keep pressing on. They arrive at the door to the room where Professor Weq is located but they are interrupted by a sudden intervention from a single gun shot connecting to the man nearest to the door head killing him instantly. They all turn to see Lita shoot another one of them in their head while simultaneously closing the gap at an extreme speed. Lita is instantly right up in the last 3 men in white's faces where she gives no wasted motion. The man in front raises his rifle to fire but Lita stops that from happening by stabbing his trigger finger at the base cutting it off completely. The man in white directly behind of the first one moves to the side and shoots after Lita but she moves to the other side placing the man in front who is currently in agony in between them. The other man in white had already moved to the same side of Lita and fires upon her. Lita dives further over to avoid the bullets and fires her own. She fulls the man with holes and kills him. The other man moves around his ally in agony only to meet Lita's military knife lunged through his left eye. His body becomes lifeless and that leaves one last armed man in in white groveling in pain. Lita walks up to him, aims and shoots the man in the head.

"Professor?! Are you hurt?!" Lita

Weq hears Lita's voice, peeks his head through the door and becomes relieved.

"Yes. Thanks to you of course but... How did you get here so fast? There are 25 floors in between this one and the 1st floor so the stairs were out of the question... Right?.. Oh! You're injured!" Weq says noticing a bloodstain grow larger on Lita's left side of her stomach.

Lita looks down, lifts her lab coat and gives a nonchalant look.

"Awe. I really liked this dress." Lita

"How your focus is solely on the dress is quite admirable!" Weq says as he moves closer to Lita.

"It really isn't a problem Professor." Lita says taking a couple of steps back.

"Now now! There is no time for shyness! Blood loss is a serious-" Weq would say but is interrupted by a small alert.

"Hm? What could that be?" Weq

"That must be the tests I was running regarding Miyuki. We should go check out the results!" Lita

"But what about your-" Weq

"I already checked it and it's just a flesh wound. I'll go to my bag and stitch it up while you go and bring the results kay?" Lita

Weq doesn't answer but gives Lita a concerned look.

"Trust me. I'm a doctor." Lita says then winks at Professor Weq.

"... Hmm.. Oh alright. I'll be right back!" Weq says then heads over to fetch a portable tablet.

Lita starts to walk to the room where her medical bag is with a quick pace. She enters the room, closes the door, moves the clothing aside and sees that her skin has been punctured all the way through and reveals a metal exoskeleton just underneath a layer of skin and blood. Lita grabs a spray can out of her bag, sprays it over the opening and it creates a new layer of skin to cover up the metal. Lita would then sigh and shake her head in disappointment.

"I really liked this dress." Lita

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