39. The Festival Pt. 3

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"You think you're hot shit don't you? Well all those fancy theatrics won't save you from a beam rifle to the head!" Linda says as she steers her Gundam straight down.

"Was that guard Ares?" Ace asks as he also steers his Gundam downward.

"It has to be! After all you missed your chance to kill him underground!" Reegal says as a screen pops up with him on Ace's console.

"Well what about that mobile suit? Sure as hell looks like they made a new Gundam themselves." Ace

"We'll fucking find out later once we collect all of it's parts after you break it apart!" Reegal

"What about Fritz?!" Linda

"Plans change! Kill him. Along with that crafty brat Tasca!!" Reegal

"With pleasure! I'll be taking on that shrimp puff!" Linda says as she aims her rifle at the Goliath Gundam.

"Fine. I'll be happy to end the all too famous Grim Reaper of War!" Ace says as he speeds past Linda's mobile suit.

"Go! Get him out off here!" Tasca says as she uses the Goliath Gundam to pull out a beam rifle in one hand and a beam pistol in the other hand.

Tasca aims a gun at each oncoming mobile suits and starts to fire at each. They both raise their mobile suit's free arm and an energy shield activates covering the entire front of the two Gundam.

"Energy shields?! That's where the parts for them went! You stole my sister's equipment you ass hats!" Tasca says as she moves her Gundam along the street behind of her avoiding oncoming shots from the pursuers beam rifles.

"We prefer the term "liberated". Much more professional!" Linda

Linda get's to ground level, leans her Gundam up enough to avoid hitting the ground and would continue her motion by giving chase to the Goliath Gundam. Tasca is currently flying her Gundam backward while facing her rifle and pistol after her pursuers.

"Professional my ass." Tasca says as she continues to avoid and return fire.

Ace flies straight in the direction that the other Gundam is heading but quickly steers his Gundam to the side to avoid oncoming fire from the Goliath Gundam. 

"You're supposed to be keeping her occupied!" Ace

"Shut up! Hey! Eyes on me!" Linda

"I'm not your type." Tasca 

"You cheeky little creampuff!" Linda

Linda ignites her thrusters at max speed and quickly begins to close the gap. Tasca was going to make a specific move but quickly notices something pop up on her radar and quickly makes an audible play. The Goliath turns it's back to Linda's Gundam and starts to weave around the buildings. Linda's Gundam give chase and keeps the Goliath in her sights. The Goliath aims it's rifle up and once again fires after Ace's Gundam. Ace was just able to avoid the shot at the last second. Ace was once again about to remind Linda of her task to keep Tasca busy but he notices something troubling at the last minute. 

"Linda!!" Ace

"I know!! I know!! Shut up alre-" Linda

Linda just flies pass a building where she catches a quick glimpse of the inside of a barrel just before it goes off. The head of Linda's Gundam is blown off and the impact throws it off course. 

"Shit!!" Linda

Linda was caught off guard to the point where she was unable to steer her Gundam properly as it goes down. Her Gundam hits the street and would tumble a short distance until it comes to a complete stop where her Gundam lays on its stomach.

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