12. The Little Giant

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The Goliath Gundam is a very small Gundam, colored white and turquoise, owned by the Arbiters, a technology based race, piloted by the chosen meister Tasca and is leading the defense against the massive Raider faction.

"That shrimp puff ain't nothing to screw around with! How many of us did she take out anyway?!" Asks Raider pilot 1

"To damn many for my taste that's for sure!" Answers Raider pilot 2.

"The worst part is that she is busy fighting Wade. Yet they both find the time to take out other mobile suits while attacking each other." Raider pilot 3.

"That's just wild! And not to mention we can't get past that planetary barrier. Yet Wade has some kind of idea to do something about that." Raider pilot 4.

Wade pilots a black and white colored Zaku II commander type mobile suit and proves that his skills are top notch next to a Gundam Meister. They both wield a beam sword and beam rifle in each hand as they face off against each other.

"Man oh man! I didn't expect you to be this good! We've been going at this for a couple of days and I barely put a few scratches on that mini Gundam of yours! What's your name again?" Wade says as he fires a barrage of beams after The Goliath Gundam.

The Goliath swiftly dodges most of the bullets and uses it's beam sword to deflect the rest.

"As I have stated before, my name is Tasca of the Arbiters and I pilot the Goliath Gundam." Tasca says as she returns fire.

"Right, right of course and I've been meaning to ask you about that.... Why did you name that half pint mobile suit Goliath anyway? I thought the actual Goliath was, you know.... Big?" Wade says as he avoids the bullets.

Both the Zaku II and the Goliath would then rush after each other at full speed while continuously firing their rifles after each other. Both mobile suits had the mobility to avoid the bullets by slightly moving out of the bullet's path and by using their beam swords to continuously deflect the rest.

"Legend has it that Goliath was a large warrior who was bested by the much smaller warrior David. The way we see it, Goliath was nothing but a minor obstacle. So....." Tasca

The Goliath and Zaku II gets closer and closer while constantly firing their rifles. They arrive in each other's radius where they simultaneously swing their beam sabers and keep their current speed. They pass by each other and everyone watches on in amazement as they halt their speed a good distance away from each other. Not a moment later did both of their rifles explode from being cut in half.

"This Goliath will prove to be a much bigger obstacle than the folklore deems him to be as the little giant." Tasca

"Hmmm I see..... Well you have proven to be a large pain in the ass thus far that's for sure! It's just to bad for you that I figured out how to get past that planetary barrier of yours." Wade

Without further delay The Zaku II turns and heads straight for Saturn.

"You what?!" Tasca says as she wastes little time in steering the Goliath gundam right after Wade.

The Zaku II speeds straight for Saturn's planetary barrier and the Goliath gundam races after it. The Zaku II gets closer and closer to the barrier and the Goliath would quickly close the gap between them.

"My oh my. Why so worried all of a sudden? You're panicking enough to make me worry!" Wade

"Stop! Turn and face me!" Tasca

The Goliath aims the tip of the beam sword directly after the Zaku II, just before the sword makes contact the Zaku II quickly rotates left with its beam sword in its left hand in the back hand position and parries the Goliath's sword. In that same motion the Zaku II grabs hold of the Goliath while keeping the beam swords out and maintains its current speed.

"What?! What is the meaning of this?! Release me at once!" Tasca

"I saw how the barrier opened up when your mobile suit got close enough. So I'm willing to bet that if I hold onto you real tight....." Wade

The Zaku II and Goliath get within a few feet of the barrier just before it instantly opens up and allows them both to pass. It closes right behind of them.

"Then I'll be able to get through just fine!" Wade says with a sinister smile.

"Whoa! He actually did it!" Raider pilot 5

"I knew he could do it..." Raider pilot 6

"Damn it. I was baited into an obvious trap... Huh?" Tasca says then notices that the Zaku II is currently aiming it's right arm up.

"You Arbiters are pretty clever using camouflage like that. It's just to bad that these eyes can see through deception." Wade

A small hatch opens up on the right arm and a missile is immediately launched from it.

"Huh? Where's he aiming? That half pint mobile suit is in the other direction." Raider pilot 7

The missile travels a short distance until it explodes upon a sudden collision. A small satellite is revealed as its cloak is dropped upon destruction. Not a moment later did a piece of the planetary barrier slowly vanish where the satellite was located and leaves a wide opening.

"No..." Tasca says as she watches on unable to do anything.

"Well?! What're you scally wags waiting for?! In the rabbit hole you go!!" Wade says to all of his subordinates.

All of the Raider pilots cheer as they do as they are instructed.

"Not while I still breath!" Tasca says as she turns the Goliath Gundam towards the hole in the planetary barrier.

Yet, she is quickly intercepted by Wade in the Zaku II.

"And just where do you think that you are going?~ We haven't finished our little tango yet!" Wade

"You will move at once!" Tasca

"First you want me to face you and now you want me to move away? And I thought earth women were complicated." Wade

The Raider pilots get closer and closer to the hole in the planetary barrier in a massive swarm.

"Yahoooo!! It's smooth sailings from here boys!!" Raider pilot 8

"Let's get to raiding!!" Raider pilot 9

"Yeah!! Let's... Huh?" Raider pilot 10 begins to say but notices a glimmer in the distance.

The glimmer gets brighter and larger until it comes into view as a large beam of energy. The large beam turned into a massive beam and passes over the opening in the planetary barrier. It causes the Raider pilots to immediately halt their movements.

"The hell was that?!!" Raider pilot 11

"A beam blast you idiot! The real question is where'd it come from?!" Raider pilot 12

All eyes turn towards the direction the beam blast came from. A large familiar ship would soon come into view.

"That's the Cloud 9! They're here!" Tasca

"Hah! Well I'll be damned... The Rogue Chaos makes a last minute entrance. Now its a party!" Wade says as everyone watches the Cloud 9 enter the battle.

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