10. The Cobalt Paladin

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On the planet Uranus, Diplomat Delilah James is in the main conference room talking to her fellow diplomats about the unification pact she put in place.

"Delilah, I understand why you want this pact but you must realize that not everyone will always be in agreement considering there are to many different people who are unwilling to live with certain others." Diplomat Kale Tones

"Mind you it is a good idea but in any event it will take months maybe years for this to be done." Diplomat Zoe Shire

Delilah takes a deep breathe, leans back in her chair, crosses both her legs and arms then gives a cold hard stare.

"So let me get this straight.... I climbed a mountain to gain the respect that I have, faught through many hardships along the way and have endured all kinds of uprisings all while raising my adorable baby brother who, may I add, was the chosen pick to be our gundam meister, only to have my second and third in diplomacy be stuck at a stand still?" Delilah

"Now Delilah that's not it its just that-" Zoe

"That in the face of chaos, people's true colors are revealed." Delilah

Both Zoe and Kale become lost for words as they stare at each other.

"Incase you forgot let me remind you... My name is Delilah James, I have been appointed the position Lead Diplomat of Uranus and my true colors are always shown. I do not waste time beating around the bush. I jump in a good ol tractor and rip right through. The goals I set are for the people of Uranus. If you don't like it then find another planet and stop wasting my time." Delilah

The room became silent yet it wasn't the ordinary kind of silent. Kale and Zoe got nervous the more Delilah spoke and it only got worse as they stared into her cold hard eyes full of ambition.

"You have nothing to fear... If you are not up to it then that is your decision. I will not force you to do anything that you are uncomfortable doing. Afterall a wise man once told me, 'A person without fear either has a death wish, or they weren't a person to begin with." Delilah

The mood instantly changes to a brighter atmosphere. Both Zoe and Kale feel a much more warm vibe coming from Delilah and weren't nervous anymore.

".... I can't deny it. You are the right person for this role to play." Kale

"With that being said... You have our complete and undying support Delilah." Zoe

"That's all that I ask for... Thank you my friends." Delilah

The large doors behind of Delilah opens not a moment later with a soldier in a casual unform coming through.

"Pardin the intrusion ma'ams but there is a situation! The two rebel sides are approaching the main square!" Soldier

"Its just one thing after another with these morons. Where's Orion?" Delilah

"He is currently located in the main square at the ready!" Soldier

"That boy." Delilah

Delilah would then get up out of her seat and make her way towards the exit. Zoe and Kale follow right after. The soldier leads them onto the balcony that overlooks the entire main square witch is an open park that lies right infront of the congress building. The first thing they see is the back of a mobile suit standing right in front of the building. Delilah immediately notices that it is none other than the Cobalt Paladin Gundam. The Cobalt Paladin Gundam is coated in a cobalt blue color, equipped with knight armor, a rectangle shaped shield witch is as big as the Gundam's body in the right hand, a double sided spear emitting blue energy is mounted on its back and a katana sword in its sheath mounted on its right waist.

"Orion!" Delilah

The Gundam turns to its side and faces its head towards Delilah.

"Oh, Hey DJ. How did the meeting go?" Orion

"That's what you're worried about?!... Now?!... Really?!" Delilah

"The two rebel units seem to be at a cease fire and are headed to this very location. They'll be arriving in the next few seconds." Orion

"Great...." Kate

Just as Orion said the two rebel units came into view. All of the mobile suits have a brown based color, but the group coming from the left has one diagonal yellow line across the chest and the group coming from the right has a blue diagonal line across their chest. They enter the square and come to a stop leaving a good distance in between. One mobile from each side witch led their packs here move in closer and once again comes to a stop at a safe distance.

"We don't plan on wasting any time so we'll get right down to it." Says the pilot of the yellow line mobile suit, Eric Strauss.

"We called this cease fire because there is still one mobile suit pilot that hasn't chosen a definitive side in this despute and his name is Orion Yamada." Says the pilot of the blue line mobile suit, John Linch.

"We need to know where you stand in this boy." Eric

"This is no game so hurry up and choose!" John

".... Game?" Orion

"What was that?" John

"Speak up boy!" Eric

"Shut your mouth!!" Orion

Orion's sudden outburst surprised the mobile suit pilots and left them speechless.

"Here we go." Delilah

"A game?... Do you honestly think that I fight for fun?.... You couldn't be more further from the truth. I fight to protect my home, I fight for those who cannot protect themselves, I will forever fight for what I believe in and I'll be damned if I let someone like you who disrupts peace for their own selfish reasons proceed any further!!" Orion

Delilah, Kale and Zoe simultaneously grins from Orion's words.

"What did you say?!" Eric

"You cheeky little punk!" John

"I agree entirely. Well said!" Ares

Everyone in their mobile suits and in the surrounding area heard his words but see no sign of him.

"Above!" Zoe says pointing directly upwards.

All heads look up to see an impressive sight. They see the Ultimatum Gundam suspended in the air with its arms crossed and has a pair of gray and white metal blade wings. The head of the beast armament is worn like a helmet, the body of the bird spread around the Ultimatum like armor and the talons are attached to its hands.

"Ares?" Orion

"Yo Orion. I trust you haven't been slacking off?" Ares

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