5. Skill, Pride and Emotions

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"Rika! Whats the status on the mobile armories?!" Tenna asks Rika Noellese, the ships head engineer.

"Sorry Tenna but it'll take some time before we can take them off of maintenance without any risk of a negative reaction to the core. I am getting something ready as we speak witch will be of use." Rika

"I hope you make it in time Rika." Tenna

The Arsenal Gundam races towards the action without any signs of slowing down.

"Sol... Intercept." Penta

"Roger." Sol

The Artemis Gundam aims its sniper and fires after the Arsenal Gundam.

"Now Lok!" Miyuki

"Deploying!" Lok says then quickly types on his keyboard.

2 satellite drones that are mounted on The Arsenal's lower back suddenly fly out, one moves in the way of the Artemis's blast, activates and absorbs it.

"What?!" Sol

Not a second later did the blast reappear and pierce the Union Gundam's right and left arm hand wires that were anchoring the Gridlock Gundam.

"Whoa!!" Zack

"What the hell Sol?!" Hack

"That wasn't me you idiot! Its the other drone!" Sol

"Pay attention you imbeciles!" Penta

Hack turns to see the Arsenal closing the gap between them and before he knew it they are right next to each other.

"Crap!" Hack says as he raises his Gundam's rifle weapon.

The Arsenal Gundam reacts with a spin kick witch knocks the Stealth Gundam's rifle away and aims with his own directly at the Stealth's cockpit. Just before Arsenal fires, the Stealth Gundam leans back and was able to dodge a fatal blow but gets a large scar from it's chest across to the left shoulder.

"You're in my way!" Miyuki

"What?!" Hack

Miyuki then uses his Gundam to perform a roundhouse kick on the Stealth Gundam, knocking it out of Arsenal's path and Miyuki continues on towards Penta and Sol.

"Tch! I won't let you get any closer!" Sol says aiming the Artemis's sniper rifle after Miyuki.

"Where do you think you're going?!! No one does that to my brother and gets away with it!!.... Huh?" Zack turns back to see the Gridlock Gundam has the Union Gundam targeted.

The Gridlock Gundam fires but the Union Gundam quickly evades the beam shot by dashing to the side.

"Too slow!" Zack

What Zack didn't know is that Lok had planned for that. A drone that is already activated was placed behind of the Union Gundam and the moment Zack avoided Lok's shot it got absorbed into the satellite drone.

"Target Locked..." Lok

A beam shot takes Sol by surprise the moment it pierces the Artemis's sniper rifle cutting it in half.

"And dropped." Lok says with a grin.

"What?!! Who could've...." Sol.

Both Penta and Sol look up where the beam shot came from and spots an activated drone high above.

"In my experience... Take out the long range and your victory percentage goes up dramatically." Lok

"Sly bastered!" Sol

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