9. Ambush

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Cole Thomas, leader of the Wave Riders faction, ally to the Rogue Chaos faction and meister of the Megalodon Gundam. The Wave Riders are a group of rebels that were formed from a rag tag group originally from the artificial planet Olympia with the main task of providing it's residents with supplies. Before the Gundam Armaments were even thought of there were Gundams that were built with animal characteristics. They were simply known as the Beast Mobile Suits. Those Gundams were the first of their kind and had no equal when it came to capabilities. The Beast Armaments were then made based off of those original mobile suits and have been widespread since. Fortunate enough, Cole pilots 1 of those legendary Beast Mobile Suits that is based off of the largest prehistoric shark the Megalodon, witch was found in the depths of the planet Neptune and has a base in its orbit. The Wave Riders have all white deep sea specialized mobile suits.

"Hey boss. How much longer do we have to wait?" A man named Arthur asks from the inside of a mobile suit.

"Shouldn't be too long. They're sending Lok to escort us so be ready when he arrives." Cole says from inside of the Megalodon Gundam.

"The Violet Kill Shot? I feel much more relieved now!" Says another named Gash in another mobile suit.

"Let's not count our blessings too soon... The dude ain't even here yet. While we're on the topic isn't he a kid or something?" Asks another mobile suit pilot, Ramsey.

"16." Cole

"16?!! No freaking way!" Gash

"Oh yeah. The kid's a prodigy they say. Although, as far as the story goes his childhood wasn't all that cheerful. I'm surprised he's still in one piece." Arthur

"What are you talking about?" Ramsey

"Ever heard of the Forge family name?" Cole

"Nope." Ramsey

"Never." Gash

"Well I can't blame you since they were almost entirely wiped out." Cole

"Say what?" Gash

"Let me guess. Lok is the soul survivor?" Ramsey

"Pretty obvious right?" Arthur

"Forge owned a big company a few years back. A company that made a few enemies. Most of the enemies were all talk, except for one group in particular. The faction known as Los Demonios(The Devils)." Cole

"I definitely know who they are." Gash

"I'd be surprised if you didn't. After all, destruction is their calling card." Ramsey

"Los Demonios members are all made up of thugs, murderers, rapists, thieves.... You get the idea right?" Arthur

"Basically the worst kinds of humans." Gash

"Yeah... Here's a cool positive fact. The Los Demonios were attacked straight out of the blue by none other than the Raiders themselves." Cole

"Whoa! Seriously? What for?" Gash

"Well it turns out that a certain ally of ours was leading a small group to raid their latest haul. Although that was just his excuse... His real intention was to save Lok by special request. It turns out that he and Lok's elder brother were good friends." Arthur

"Well that's convenient. Who was it that saved Lok?" Gash

"You must've been living under a rock if you didn't know it was our very own Grim Reaper Of War." Cole

"Ares?!! No stinking way!" Gash

"True story." Arthur

Cole is suddenly alerted by a couple of beeps from his console.

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